
Thursday, March 02, 2023

UN chief slams ‘climate-wrecking’ firms at human rights body

GENEVA (AP) — U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday stressed the importance of legal challenges against “climate-wrecking corporations” like fossil-fuel producers, ratcheting up his call for the fight against climate change—- this time before the U.N.’s top human rights body.


Go fuck yourself, Tony.


  1. Did he f**king walk from NYC to Geneva?


  3. When I read stories like this I start by questioning whether the speaker, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres in this case, actually believe this nonsense, or if they are just playing an especially stupid woke game. Okay, Guterres, let us fine and shut down fossil fuel companies. Then, all of the third world can forever remain poor without the benefit of electricity and fuel for trucks, cars and trains. And, the whole time the climate will do its thing, getting colder, because it is controlled by the Sun, and not tail pipe exhaust. What idiots!

  4. Translation: These folks are not paying us money.

  5. Well past time to kick these feather-bedding imbecile "diplomats" out of our country. Let them reestablish their HQ is some politically correct country without electricity or infrastructure, so it forces them to live the way they want to force us to live.

  6. In the meantime these asshole elites flit around the globe in private jets. It's time to break out the eco-friendly torches, pitchforks and nooses none of which require fossil fuel.

  7. That's easy to fix. Get the oil companies to stop selling jet fuel and avgas to the UN, and triple-charge every airline on which they fly, or every ship on which they sail. Have fun walking home from New York you fuckers.

  8. There is an ad campaign happening right now in California decrying the yearly profits of Chevron and Marathon Oil. These ads began literally the same week that Gavie started pushing the legislature to investigate the oil companies and their 'massive' profits.
    I noticed that the yearly profits made by the oil companies quoted in the ads were a mere fraction of the quarterly profits made by Pfizer last year. I also can't help but wonder what the annual revenue California receives in gas tax and Cap and Trade fees. I have a feeling the number is much greater than the oil companies' profits are.

  9. Wager: The UN buildings and facilities in the US operate with heat and cooling.
    The UN should be booted out of the USA preemptively as their NYC building is too close to the water's edge.


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