
Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday gifdump












  1. #10 for the Win! One of our "Florida puppies" making a break for it....

  2. #1: "Tonight on THE OCHO"

    #5: Not sure how he didn't realize that would happen eventually.

    #6: It would take every ounce of restraint I have to not fold that door back.

    #7: Crown Royal was popular with the kids when I was in middle/high school. I personally found it to be oversweet crap.

    #8: I have the odd memory from when I was that age, mainly ones doing stuff like this.

    1. So what gives you the right to pass on the shoulder?

    2. #6 It would take every ounce of restraint I have not to riddle that cheating MFer with a full mag from an AK if he hit my door.

    3. # 6. I hate those fuckers that try to cheat the line by coming up on the right. I pull my truck over so they can't get past. I just noticed I posted this under anonymous, but I'm Muffleriking! How did this happen.

    4. #5 He thinks the long handle will protect him. It doesn't hit perpendicular every time, could go anywhere. I do like a looong handle on my splitting axe, though.

    5. Crashing into the wall was half the fun!

    6. You'd have been looking down the barrel of a pistol if you lost your restraint on my truck. We don't fuck around like that round these parts, you'll wait your turn in line like everyone else, scooter.

    7. Because your time is so much more valuable than everybody else's time?

    8. I don't do that in a car, but I sure as fuck have done it on an air cooled Harley, more than once. And I'll do it again, and God help the asshole that pulls that shit.

  3. #3: Step and Fetch it.

    #5: I'm not going to split hairs, but what's the point?

    #6: That could be a costly way to make a point.

    #9: Well, you don't know what we can find
    Why don't you come with me, little girl
    On a magic carpet ride

    1. #5: The chain extends the radius of your swing, which could make the axe head go faster and hit harder. Unless that wood is easier splitting than any firewood I ever used, it looks like that's working. OTOH, it makes it uncertain _where_ that axe head goes, especially after it bounces. It looks to me like a great way to shorten your life expectancy.

      There was a medieval weapon called the flail, which was basically this with a spiked iron ball on the end instead of the axe head. You start swinging that in a melee and _someone_ is bound to die, but you are the one closest to the sharp end.

  4. #5, It looked good on paper....

  5. #8 Redrum Redrum Redrum

  6. #10 Know what the mating call of an alligator is? "I want some!"

  7. #6 I hope you FAFO soon

  8. #10 Fuck yo couch!

  9. #8 I wondered what the noise in the hall was last night.....

  10. #3: It's Dino from the Flintstones...

  11. #3 does not look like a safe pet. #5 is why women live longer than men.

  12. 3) They taught it to play fetch. It still isn't that cute.
    5) Before he even swung that it looked like a bad idea.

  13. #3 is straight out of the opening sequence front Jonny Quest, just a little smaller.

  14. #1 - white jersey dude lost because he was not leaning forward. That's how you transmit the force from you into your opponent. Instead he's doing a chick-lean thing so he's off balance.

    #5 - that's why the chain and mobile section has to be shorter than the part you have your hands on. Excellent use of geometry and physics when it works right.

  15. #9: Cultural appropriation! Blonde kids do not get to dress up as Middle Eastern princesses and ride around on magic carpets. "Their culture is not your costume." Shame! That child should be learning about her privilege and apologizing for white guilt (and, since "she's" wearing a type of pants, exploring zher gender fluidity and choosing pronouns). CPS needs to seize that child and turn zher over to someone with a teacher's degree, who knows better than zher parents how to raise zher to be respectful of all cultures except zher parents' culture.

  16. #9 Think what she'll be like in 20 years

  17. 10) What we need in CA are a whole lotta 12' gators who can walk thru iron fence.

  18. A good friend is a liquor distributor. He says the crown bottle is likely a polycarbonate one they use for displays.
    Paul J


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