
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Undefine Masculinity

Recently, an organization on my campus put together an event entitled “Undefining Masculinity.” As recommended preparation for the event, it was suggested that attendees might profitably watch an episode of the “Man Enough” podcast, in which the hosts interview an individual named Alok Vaid-Menon. This person (I won’t be using pronouns to refer to Vaid-Menon, for the principled reason I’ve given elsewhere) is presented as an expert on gender and sexuality, though there is no evidence provided to support that status.


  1. Having a narcissistic sissy define masculinity isn't the flex they think it is.

  2. “We just want the same rights as everyone else” ~ every gay person ever prior to 2020.

  3. hyphenated last name? yup. it is the surest sign your dealing with an idiot.

  4. Somebody, call pest control! Quick!

  5. You know, just fuck these "people". It was never going to be enough to live and let live. That wasn't good enough. Now you must not only tolerate aberrant lifestyles, you MUST endorse them actively, and oh yeah, submit your children to it. Power hungry perverts have no place in my world. I was fine with you doing do, but that wasn't enough. Well, now you have crossed the rubicon, so fuck good will and "you do you" mentality. They have exhausted any tolerance that was left. So no, I am not using your pronouns, wearing your fag endorsement clothes, nor tolerating your lifestyle one single fucking iota. FOAD.

    1. EXACTLY!!! (applause for excellent comment)

    2. "I was fine with you doing ..."

      THAT is what got us to where we are now. So many retards don't unterstand that leaving the door open to perverts leads to your house being ransacked.

      Oh, and since they travel in groups and are aggressive, its foolish to think they won't invite all their but buddies to come violate you, your family, your pets.

      And now you look around and wonder how we got here.
      Well done, champ.

    3. Never once said I wonder how we got here, I know how we did, do you? Hint, what you stated is a partial explanation at best. Fine is a relative term. People wanna have perverted sex its on them. I could make it my business, but I also pick and choose my battles. In a different time perhaps a different response. You can hold your pseudo-moral high ground all you want. What did YOU do about it? How did YOU effect change or stop it? How successful were YOU? Yeah, well done champ, ya done good.

  6. What in the actual fuck is that, over.

  7. Magnus Hirschfeld is so proud.

  8. “People don’t think we should exist…. They weaponize a criteria [sic] that would disappear [sic] me!”



  9. Putin and Xi are laughing their asses off as the military recruitment falls throught the floor because of this shit. Do I have a remedy? Nope. But the outcome will eventually be the country will consist of sissy-boys and clones of AOC were the western half of the country will be speaking Chink and the Eastern half Ruski.


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