
Friday, March 24, 2023

You know you live in a shithole when you have Hospital Police

HARLEM - Harlem Hospital police say they confiscated a fully loaded gun from a group of five men who chased the brother of a shooting victim inside the lobby. 

That 16-year old male victim was recovering in the hospital after being shot Thursday afternoon, on East 140th Street and Alexander Avenue in the Bronx.


  1. "...a fully loaded gun..."
    Even worse, it was a semi-AUTOMATIC.
    Pass some more gun laws, New Yawkers.

  2. No color, no race, no age......though the firearm was not just loaded, but fully loaded, but no mention of illegal acquisition nor illegal carriage of said fully loaded firearm.

    1. Reduce violent crime in America by 56% with one simple trick...

  3. Violence in hospitals is 4 times more prevalent than private industry. Not a very safe place to work. Either patients or family members are angry, upset, in pain or just wacko. Add in the gangsters who know their intended victims went to the hospital instead of dying and you have a recipe for a real dangerous venue.

  4. Cleveland Clinic has their own police and they're everywhere...

  5. MetroHealth and Cleveland Clinic run you through metal detectors to go in the emergency entrance. Metro's main campus ER has it setup so the cop has to buzz the door for you to exit.

  6. Last year, my wife had a fall where the corner of a table hit her eye at a tear duct close to her nose. The local hospital, which is no slouch, felt inadequate to the injury so they sent us to Atlanta's Grady Hospital which has the only Tier 1 Trauma Center in North Georgia. On Friday night. In Atlanta. we spent twelve hours there partly due to complete diverse incompetence of the Intake person (long story). The medical people, who were much less diverse, were great.
    Back in '98, my mother died at Grady as the result of an auto accident. The area surrounding Grady at that time was a very threatening environment for a native of the old Atlanta and resident of a White suburb.
    Last year, it was much different due to the constant patrolling of Grady and Atlanta police who tolerated no homeless, panhandlers or anyone who didn't look like they belonged there. Some might call this Fascist, but it made me feel safe.

    1. If all the people subverting and destroying our country hate fascism…it may be time to look into fascism.

    2. They don't hate fascism. They use that as a name to call whatever they hate, but if they knew what real fascism is, they'd have to stop looking in mirrors.

  7. I made several sales and training calls at Harlem Hospital. Easiest parking in all of Manhattan. Their police always walked me back to my car. Harlem and Bellevue were where you wanted a residence in emergency medicine on the east coast.

  8. I used to deliver Liquid Oxygen to hospitals in NYC. EVERY HOSPITAL IN NYC has its own police force. You ought to see the doors on the drug dispensaries. I used to deliver to Harlem Hospital. While I was there, I always had hospital security with me as I was a pretty white boy. Let me tell you, you get to know the exact feeling a black guy feels in an all white southern town.
    I once fell at a hospital in Brooklyn and thought I broke my wrist. 6:30 in the morning. I went in the emergency room to get it looked at and was told there was 500 people ahead of me and would cause a riot if they took me, even though it happened on their property.
    I could tell you stories.

    1. I've seen security guards at hospitals, never seen a hospital with its own police force.

    2. In this day and age, I would beg to differ on how a white boy walking in most black neighborhoods would be the same as a black walking in most southern white ones.
      I could be wrong as I have never really spent time in either place, but I do know a higher percentage of blacks are violent to whites vs the other way around.

    3. I rarely see any blacks in my wanderings around town, but when I do, they're not looking over their shoulders waiting to get jumped.

  9. They just changed our local hospital security to hospital 'police', complete with black SUVs with (hospital name) Police on the sides. Not sure what the difference is other than intimidation factor; I walked. They sure as hell don't protect the nurses, and they're awful with the mental patients.

  10. my family is originally from New Jersey, still have distant replies there.

    the cemetery has its own police and escorts you to graveside and waits til you leave, while one is stationed in the parking lot.

  11. I used to deliver potatoes to the Hunts Point market in the seventies.
    Harlem was a real shithole back then.
    All of a sudden it supposedly became gentrified enough that Slick Willie Clinton opened an office there.
    Come to find out, that was just a ruse to be closer to the whores that walked Hunts Point Avenue.

  12. BUMC (Baylor University Medical Center) in downtown Dallas have their own police department. And yes, they have arrest powers….. and armed.

  13. But but but... hospitals are GUN FREE zones.


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