
Friday, March 24, 2023

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (WFLA) — Two boaters were still missing Sunday after an incident at Lake Eloise in Winter Haven, Florida on Saturday, according to officials. 

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said the incident happened after an anchor mishap involving 38-year-old Velcky Velasquez and 32-year-old Orlando Ortiz, who celebrated their one-year anniversary by renting a boat for the afternoon.


You have got to go to the link and read this story about the 'anchor mishap', I shit you not.


  1. This is like the city slickers from Atlanta that come up here to the N. Georgia mountains. Get lost all the time, get their "all wheel drive" Subaru's stuck in the mud, etc. etc. etc. People outside of their element should bring others that know what they're doing with them.

    1. No, people outside of their element shouldn't go.....

  2. At least it seems they got the drain plug part correct...

  3. Jumped in the water with anchor not secured to boat? I've heard of dozens of ways to commit suicide, but this is the first case of "anchorcide"

    1. Please don't give Hillary any new ideas......

    2. The one who jumped in with the anchor survived. The two men who jumped in to rescue her drowned. Valor trumps common sense.

  4. OMG, with those winds, they shouldn't have been out on the water in the first place!

  5. A case of nature thinning the herd. Hopefully the surviving offspring will learn from this, but I have doubts.

  6. "Eventually they will float...."
    Not if the gators get them first.

  7. When I was six years old, I knew how to anchor a boat! What kind of "class" did they take before they went out? It obviously did not include weather observation and evaluation.

  8. and we have a Darwin Award winner!

  9. I'm thinking lawsuit in 3,2,1.

  10. I've never owned a boat. My dad never owned a boat. My grandfather never owned a boat. I still wouldn't dream of trying that stunt with an anchor. This goes waaaayyy beyond inexperienced.

  11. When I was ten years old, with no classes, I was driving a ChrisCraft. We also had a cruiser which I couldn't use until I was twelve. I had a ten horse evenrude on a 14' star craft of my own when I was eight. Course I had a .22 at eight and a .32 model 97 at twelve. Point is that kid should have been taught how to operate a boat instead of a fuckin cell phone.

  12. Yes sir, stupid is suppose to hurt. It’s a sad story yes, but in a way it’s funny as hell. Why jump out of the boat? Turn it on, motor over to the dipshit bitch in the water and let her craw back in like a wet rat? There are so many errors, blunders, and bad decisions in this episode.

  13. Sadly, the stupid one survived, although the guys are about as stupid for letting her do it. Probably a couple of manbuns.

  14. Taylor Swift should rent a boat and 'set the anchor' this way...

  15. Here in the south we see the stupidist shit ever at the launch. I've seen people with more money than brains, launch their whole rig, boat, trailer and truck! It never gets old.

  16. So the anchor OK?

  17. I grew up in a beach resort town. I've heard of tourists doing many stupid things, including dropping anchor without tying it to the boat. I've heard of certain guys from Detroit tying an anchor to someone and throwing him overboard. But that's the first I've ever heard of jumping overboard to set the anchor.


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