
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Commentary: Biden’s 10-Year Plan for Fiscal Disaster

Last month, President Joe Biden unveiled his proposed 10-year budget plan. The dollar figures are eye-popping: $17 trillion dollars in additional debt.

The previous 10-year period, 2013 through 2022, saw the national debt rise by an unprecedented $14 trillion, an amount that was turbo-boosted by the over-the-top COVID spending blowout. Yet, instead of a return to the bad-enough normalcy of an annual debt increase measured in the hundreds of billions rather than trillions, Biden wants to set a new record for debt accumulated in a decade, with an average annual deficit of $1.7 trillion being his “new normal.”


  1. Why should a person who is only going to be in office 2 to six years be able to spend our money for 10?

  2. Buying votes doesn't come cheap, and every year the price goes up: you've got to offer them new free things every year.

  3. No, just NO! Cut the federal government in half. We are broke. You cannot spend your way out of bankruptcy. Most of what we're forced to pay for has ZERO value. Pay off the debt.

    1. Wylie: I agree with you, except I'd cut Fed spending by 75%. The problem is electing enough like-minded people to Congress.


    2. I agree. Cut taxes to the bone as it should be.

  4. "I'm the Warden of Shawshank. Nothing stops! Nothing! Or you'll do the hardest time there is. I'll cast you down with the sodomites. You'll think you got fucked by a train!".

  5. there wont be an america in ten years at the rate we are going.

  6. cant remember which exec order # it was, but one of em authorizes the prez to suspend the constitution in the case of 'economic emergency'....this has all been gamed out long ago.
    you will own nothing and you will like it!

    1. A law repugnant to the Constitution is null and void. It is as if it never existed.

      Now an EO is not law as the exec cannot make law. In the event that they want to enforce upon the citizenry a non-law, I say its game on, gone hot. Every enforcer is a lawful target.

  7. Congress will pass it with some token protests, like cut this 12 million dollar program and this 8 million spending deal and another 10 million future expense, because we know they are enriching themselves with any budget.

  8. If we cant fire them, lets just fix the problem in accounting. Let's just quit paying taxes. Isn't that how they fixed the problem with Milton in Office Space?

  9. Too damn bad this moron knows nothing about how to create a currency collapse!


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