
Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday's gifs













  1. #6 Don't know what they are called today but when I was a kid we called them tarts. My grandma made them but of course without the fancy tools.

    1. Chinese steamed dumplings. Boudza or some other variety.

    2. And the fun thing is that if you're skilled you can make them just as fast by hand. This is, IMHO an excessive example of what Alton Brown calls a "unitasker." I.E. a kitchen implement that's only good for one thing, and useless clutter the rest of the time.

      This doodad would only be actually useful for a restaurant, to save on the labor costs of hiring people who actually know what they hell they're doing. Anyone else? Spent the extra minute or two to make them by hand, you'll learn a fun skill, spend time connecting with family, and not have another gadget cluttering your attic that you only pull out once a year.

    3. There was a small Chinese restaurant in Houston that specialized in the dumplings that are the source of Goa-tie (sp?) and Jao-tse (sp?). They sold them cooked and in bags of frozen, uncooked dumplings and they were quite reasonable priced. They had other dishes, but everyone came for the dumplings.

      It was fun to go in on a Sunday afternoon and get a seat at a table that looked into the kitchen. There were three women and a man that sat in there all afternoon making dumplings by hand. My sister in law did that once for us when we visited. That little rolling pin and the hand motion used to turn dough balls into dumpling skins was amazing.

    4. They're called baozi. The other kind are called jiaozi and they're both smaller and a different shape. Baozi are steam-cooked, jiaozi are boiled and/or fried.
      A skilled person can make them just about as fast by hand, but that doesn't include most people (yes, I've made them both).

  2. #4: A blond, but she's hot, so I'd excuse her lack of mental acquity.

    1. hope her knees are ok, not really dressed for the accident

    2. And we confere the same common decency upon you. It is "accuity". or something close to it.

  3. #3 pretty smart to have the tree fall on the pavement - less chain saw work.

  4. #9
    Very simply: No Fucking way!!!!!

  5. #9- No. Hell no. Fuck fuck hell no!

  6. #7 - good for cold, dry snow, #10 - Lot's wife

  7. #10 - at least the right moron was wearing the helmet

  8. #2 as wife and I are cat owners, that was a real stupid idea.

  9. #10 I know a guy that had someone flip him off, who ended up getting 2 days in jail, a 250$ fine, and community service. Seems like my friend did not take too kindly to being flipped off, and told the guy if he ever did it again, he would end up going to the hospital. The guy laughed at him, and flipped him off again.
    My buddy broke his finger so badly, he had to have surgery on it, and was in a cast for something like 3 or 4 months. I can't remember all of the details it has been a long time ago. My friend said it was worth it.
    This was the same guy who had a video rental store, that kept getting broken into, so he slept there for a couple nights. After about a week, someone broke in, a couple of 17 or 18 year olds. The story he told was that one of them grabbed a shovel he had in the store, and tried to attack him with it. So he shot him with his shotgun, in the chest and killed him DRT. The other one busted the door down in the back and ran out, getting away.
    The DA wanted to file charges against him but he knew that there was no way he could get a jury in our town to vote for him to go to jail, when our area already was tired of punks getting away with all of the crimes even as far back as that. But they did make his life a tough thing, for quite awhile.

  10. #4, Top heavy, hard to balance....

  11. Replies
    1. Wall foundation, they're dropping a huge rebar section.

    2. Looks like they are putting forms down to pour concrete in the ditch. Make it move more water faster without erosion.

    3. #8 is pretty amazing to watch.

  12. #1: America's future...

    #9: And the next contestant for the Darwin Award is...

  13. Starker here,
    #4- I first thought of Vanishing Point.
    #5- another damned squirrel got away!
    #9- if real, he's nucking futs.
    #10- not enough karma.

  14. #8. Several pipelines crisscross the area where I live. There is a big above ground manifold in the middle of a 200 acre pasture a couple of miles from my house.
    About 12 years ago a crew replaced 2 parallel 30 inch pipes with a 66 inch pipe. They crossed the road into town and over several months as I would wait while they had the road blocked I would strike up conversations with the foreman and others around the road crossing and got to know them pretty well. Being a pipefitter myself, I would sometimes just park and watch for a while as they fit and welded the 40 foot sections. Once they got to know me and knew that I knew my way around a job site they would let me walk down the line and be kind of a gofer as I kept my hard hat and boots in the truck. The welders were all rig welders and they would pay me a few bucks for helping out.
    The pipe was fit and welded on cribbing on the ground as the trench was excavated beside it.
    The run was 3 miles and they fit the whole length on the ground. When everything was ready to lay the pipe in the trench 2 cranes laid one end in the trench and the rest of the pipe followed it into the excavation just like the rebar in the video. It was amazing to see that big steel pipe flex like plastic tubing and lay down right where they wanted it to go.

  15. #1: I appreciate the ingenuity behind this.

    #2: When the cat chooses fight over flight.

    #6: Now I'm craving dumplings.

    #7: It would be just as loud and obnoxious as a leaf blower, so why not?

    #9: Doubting the reality of this, but he's aiming for that Darwin Award if it is.

    #10: The hand of karma can strike quickly. Helmet doing its job there.


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