
Monday, April 24, 2023

Mississippi must allow religious exemption for childhood vaccines

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Mississippi must join most other states in allowing religious exemptions from vaccinations that children are required to receive so they can attend school, a federal judge has ruled.


  1. Why religious exemptions? Don't the rest of us deserve the inherent superior right to reject being forced to inject foreign toxins into our bodies under conditions where informed consent is not even possible? Is informed consent no longer a medical fundamental principle?

    1. When the people making the "medicine" profit off of your sickness they are not the good physician. Why religious? Because Jesus is the good physician and healed many just for believing in Him. Jesus will prevail. He is Almighty. They want to rule over the godless now because a lot of them trust the $cience. You must understand that they who want to rule over you are lawless. That is why no one is arrested for all of this deception. Go ask about Jesus and try to prove he is false. If you have eyes to see and ears to hear the truth.

    2. While I would say that you most certainly do, the problem is that the founders and the original founding documents recognize all rights as having been bestowed by G-d. If you do not recognize him, how can you possibly claim rights that are derived from him? Just a thought to chew on.

  2. It's not just the vaccinations/inoculations that are making our (grand)children ill; the pap they're being fed in the classroom is far worse for their health. Homeschooling might be the answer, but government exams hold the keys to higher education

    1. We homeschooled both of our kids, and they got accepted into college without any problem. In fact, they placed higher on the SAT/ACT than public educated kids do. And, now that they are out in the workforce, they are being recognized as valuable employees because of their critical thinking skills that are way better than the other employees in their age bracket.

  3. One of the worst things about the covid bs is it increased the pool of anti vaxxers (real ones, not the people opposed to the covid not-a-vax). There is a reason the childhood diseases like chicken pox, rubella, measles, mumps, diptheria, whooping cough, smallpox, and polio are a distant memory instead of a common ocurrence.

    1. My son was vaccine damaged. That’s something I will carry to my dying day. Stop pretending to know a damn thing about what they inject into a persons body. Look at autism rates rising with vaccinations rising. Coincidence? Not a chance.

    2. Anon 5:18. You're painting with a wide brush although you provide no details of your own.
      (If after circa late 1980s, it seems pharm has taken up where Mengele left off.)

      It is indeed tragic what has happened in your family. I am sorry to hear. It sounds like you have to forgive yourself. Do not think me calloused to say that perhaps you have been given an opportunity to grow beyond what others have.

      Yet I knew several persons who died from polio and several more who walked with crutches for the rest of their lives. Two of those died in early adulthood.

      There is much more to be said about the effects - good and bad - of childhood innoculations. Especially since around the early 90s when Congress opened the floodgates for so many shots.

  4. When I went thru school there were still kids showing the effects of polio. Had to use crutches and braces or wheelchair bound. Others had no stamina so couldn't take part in sports. Along my 12 years of public education, 3 died from the effects of polio, I always felt bad because these class mates couldn't take part in ordinary activities. Just saying.

    1. Yes, many childhood diseases back then. Imagine one day, Kimberly, the girl you really like and you'd walk home with was no longer there any more. You knew something was off but you didn't know what. Then suddenly. Or everyone's favorite, Billy C., great guy, smart, kind, friend to everyone, he's gonna make Eagle by 15.
      Suddenly very sick in the hospital. Then weeks later, at home, a shut in. Sorry, no, maybe another day when Billy
      is feeling better. Then ... gone.

      Or little Mary. Or your pal Sam. Or Michael B. Or Mary P.
      Diseases we don't even think about anymore. Well, except all the illegals bringing those diseases with them.

      But now, the pharm industry has violated all ethics as the have found the filthy lucre of keeping/making people sick.


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