
Monday, April 03, 2023

Right on top of things, aren't they?

The Chinese 'spy balloon' that flew across the US in February gathered intelligence from several American military sites before it was shot down, according to two senior US officials and a former senior administration official.

The sources said China could have gathered more intelligence if not for the Biden administration's efforts to block it.


Could have gathered more intelligence if not for the Biden administration's efforts to block it? Give me a fucking break. The damned thing traveled the entire length of the country while the entire government sat on their asses and watched, shooting it down only after it reached the Atlantic ocean.


  1. I never understood why the thing wasn't taken out the moment it was within 11.99 miles of the Alaska coast. They all knew it was there and those at the top knew damn well what was going on. Can you say treason? These fools need to be publicly drawn and quartered and the pieces displayed on pikes. I wouldn't be opposed to posting a sign at each reading "This Could Be You".

  2. Fuck Joe Biden!

    This cannot be said often enough....

  3. If anyone believes this "spy" balloon captured any data, they're falling for the distraction.
    The Chinese have close to 300 satellites up there looking at everything we have above groud all over the world, as we and several other countries do.
    (ask yourself what else was going on while the balloon drama unfolded)

  4. It has been suggested that for a balloon to be able to fly such a long mission as that one did, regular batteries would not work, and so there was the possibility of some sort of radiation contained in the unit. Sort of a nuclear engine operating it. And that was why the government did not want to shoot it down over American soil.
    I have no real knowledge or opinion about it either way, it was just one idea that I read about. I don't even know if such a thing is possible, but if it is, that could offer a reason for the U.S. to wait until it was over water to shoot it down, as a cushion to stop it from breaking up on impact.
    Myself, I would have shot it down over one of the sparsely populated states out west like Montana and taken my chances. Unless it was an actual weapon, designed to explode on impact, of course. I have no details about anything, which the feds likely do. I suspect that there is a reason that they allowed it to continue on it's course unimpeded, and that is unlikely to be simply because we don't mind the CCP getting our secrets or we could not shoot it down. Even with FJB in office, and our military in a bit of a shambles, we still have some very good men and women in power whose only concern is to protect this nation from other nations who would like nothing better than to cause us harm. So if we let the balloon to continue on it's way, there had to be a realistic reason for doing so, and it was not purely political. If it ever came out that it was political, that would spell the end of the Democrats for a very long time.

  5. "before it was shot down" When my boy was around 4 years old he was strutting around bragging about how he caught a turtle.

  6. C'mon man! With the state that the military is in now, how can ANY 'intelligence' be gathered?

  7. Why would they even need a balloon? Half the fuckers in DC are on the take from the CCP, including the kiddysniffer.

  8. I can't be the only one who was wondering about this the entire time. "We'll shoot it down as soon as it's crossed the entire country." Worrying about the risk to people if they shot it down. In fucking rural Montana.

    But to the government's credit they didn't take any chances when they fired millions of dollars worth of missile at someone's $20 hobby balloon the next time around.

  9. FJB had it shot down as soon as his owners said it was OK.


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