
Monday, April 24, 2023

Seems to be a common theme with Biden, doesn't it?

As the violent struggle for power over Sudan reaches the one-week mark, the Biden administration is sticking firmly to its warning for private citizens: don't expect to be rescued.


A Massachusetts teacher and her 18-month-old daughter are among thousands of Americans trapped in war-torn Sudan.

Trillian Clifford, of Ashland, and her daughter, Alma, have been hiding from the sound of machine guns outside their apartment in the capital of Khartoum, where Trillian teaches the children of U.S. Embassy officials at the Khartoum International American School.

Her family back home is now calling for the US to take action and get Clifford and her daughter out of the third largest African nation as government officials evacuated nearly 100 embassy officials over the weekend.


  1. "Trillian teaches the children of U.S. Embassy officials at the Khartoum International American School"

    If you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas.

    Over the past ~10 years I have refused all government contracts, and even refused a majority of private contracts where the client's primary business was dealing with the government. Everything from the fed-level down to the local police department, and I have never been happier or more successful. Fuck government.

  2. Maybe they can rescue just the gay, transbender non-white ones? Asking for a friend.

  3. "Some countries have already successfully carried out evacuations, including the United Kingdom, Spain, Jordan, Italy, France, Denmark and Germany. Several of their convoys also carried citizens from other countries, including Swedes, Portuguese, Mexicans, Palestinians, Iraqis and Syrians."
    "...thanking France in particular for bringing out other non-French foreign nationals."
    "More evacuations are still being planned or are underway for the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Egypt, Turkey, Libya, India, Russia, Australia, Japan, China and the Philippines."

    1. Canada also told its citizens your on your own, as did china.... i see a theme here.


    2. Canada doesn't have citizens, it has subjects.

  4. Massachusetts school teacher white woman helping the elites with their World mission. I'm sure there is no rescue coming. What kind of D*mn fool goes to work in Sudan? Was Somalia already full? If she has any of the rainbow flag paraphernalia in her possession she better lose it fast.

    1. These people answer ads to work overseas because their income is not subject to federal taxes. Look at all of the civilians who lined up for Halliburton when Dubya went into Iraq in 2003. I know one fool who: "...thought he missed something because he was too young for 'Nam." Went over as an "operator", got shot/injured in the foot and guess what?! You're on your own, Jack. No insurance. All the $ he made went to medical expenses and he ended up as he started: Poor white trash with the "thanks of a grateful MIC". Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld were laughing all the way to to bank.

  5. While I feel badly for anyone stuck in that shitstorm, if the travel advisory has been in place for months as stated in the article, what the fuck did you think was going to happen? This teacher with her daughter didn't consider the possibility that things might go from worse to worst? Sounds like some poor judgement with subsequent consequences.

    1. @Michael - I'm right there with you on this. It is amazing to me the number of people, especially young people from affluent suburbs, who believe that they are above it all and think they are immune to the surrounding violence. An acquaintance is a professional "humanitarian" and is typically shocked when her fellow humanitarians are sucked up into the violence when they are rendering aid to the enemy du jour. Their death rate is higher than police but it's very hard to feel sorry for them when they intervene in other country's battles. F.A.F.O.

  6. The Sudan conflict, brought to you by the dedicated men at the CIA.....

  7. Strange story. Where is husband/baby daddy? My bet is woman is butch and baby is trafficked Eastern European baby kidnapped for LGBTQW entertainment.

  8. Yes....Pedo Joe and his handlers are incompetent, ignorant and simply do not care if Americans die. But...Americans these days should have figured that fact out by now and should simply not be traveling anywhere that is politically unstable and dangerous. These days that is probably half the countries on the planet...including the USA.

  9. She should do TikTok dance videos. They fix everything. (Pinkie swear.)

  10. WestcoastDeplorableApril 25, 2023 at 8:14 PM

    The stupid fucking Fedgov is trying to sell us on the idea the 16,000 Americans Biden left in-country don't WANT to come home! Smells like Afghanistan to me. It's like Obama said, never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up.


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