
Monday, April 03, 2023

Tocqueville on the form of despotism the government would assume in democratic America (1840)

The French political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859) describes what form of tyranny or despotism would come to America: it would be relatively mild, retain some of the “external forms of liberty”, but the people would behave like timid “animals” and the government would act like their shepherd:


  1. Tocqueville was a pretty cool guy. Do a search and read over some of his quotes (not all are actually his). For a French aristocrat, he was right on!

  2. Baaaa, baaaaa, baaaa. Gimme mah EBT and shit.

  3. How could he have known we'd outstrip his worst expectations?

  4. I can hear him now, "Called it!"


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