
Friday, April 28, 2023

When your short-timer's calendar goes from 90 to 1185 days

Hundreds of Army aviation officers who were set to leave the military are being held to another three years of service after they say the branch quietly reinterpreted part of their contract amid retention and recruitment issues.


  1. I remember when the Bush people instituted "stop loss" the usual suspects squealed loudly.
    Think the media will pick this up?

  2. told my grandson about a friend of mine who got fucked over by the army back in 1990
    gulf war one was heating up and he was short- 45 days left. they just extended his contract
    for another 2 years without asking him. the mission comes first kind of crap.
    I told him that once you raise your right hand, they fucking OWN you.
    he was going to pass the word around his school as the army and marines have been stopping by EVERY MONTH (?) to pitch joining up .
    I did 3 tours myself. there where no jobs to be had anywhere back then. but there no way in hell I would go in now with these assholes in charge. dave in pa.

    1. Thanks for your service, Dave.....

  3. Yeah, that's what I want to do--- ride behind a pissed-off pilot.

  4. Wait until conscription gets reinstated!

  5. We'll start hearing a lot of " oopsies" during bomb drops and strafing runs.

  6. I got caught up in the Bush stoplosses in 04. Got held for a year because "mission" or some bullshit. Boy, I'm sure happy that they gave Iraq to ISIS and made our sacrifice into a punchline. FTA.

  7. And a wakeup.

  8. Seeing how no one has said it yet, Fuck Joe Biden!

  9. The way that I was treated by officers? Without exception, they did things because they had the authority to do it, then rubbed it in our faces. I don't feel sorry for them one bit.

  10. I actually got out about 9 months early after the Berlin Wall came down. I figured I was going to be recalled for the first Gulf War. Everyday going down to the mailbox I was expecting to get a recall letter from the Army Reserve Center, but it never came.

  11. Of course, this will have nothing whatsoever to do with the Army demanding that everyone gets the Covid injections and the resulting problems leading to pilots being declared unfit to fly ... No Siree! Not at all ...

    Phil B

  12. That almost happened to me as an Army physician. I got out after 8 years and lateraled into a GS civilian DoJ job. A couple of years later, the Army disestablished the unit I was working with. I tried to get on at another shop nearby, the the commander there said the was not interested. So, I left federal service and got a job in the civilian sector. When I did that, Iofficially resigned my commisson and thus got out of the inactive reserve.

    Here's the kicker though. I found out years later that the commander who declined to hire me had actually been planning to pull me in though activating a call up for the inactive reserves, and thus get me both cheap (my military pay was about $90,000 less than my civilian pay) and without the civil rights protections of the civil service. It was possible because I practice a subspecialty that has very few practitioners, and only a handful were in the inactive reserve. He was apparently furious when he found out he couldn't pull me back in on his own terms.


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