
Friday, April 28, 2023

Your Feel-Good Story of the Day

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A puppy strayed far from home after being found in a tight spot. 

It was a 30-minute drive for Ashley Newman to go from her home in Olathe, Kansas, to work at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri. She's the coordinator for Royals Charities, which supports various communities in and around the Kansas City area.


  1. Yup! I feel-good now.

  2. When I was a kid we rode with some friends from their farm to a ball game. As the dad started the motor of the 65 Dodge, we heard a screech and then the fan belt began to squeal. Oops, the 4 year old daughter's cat had made its way into the engine compartment and came out in pieces. The dad had to pull out what was left and bury it before the little one found out.


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