
Wednesday, May 03, 2023

A Beginner's Guide to Bourbon

This is my beginners guide to bourbon where I talk through what makes a whiskey a bourbon, how to read a bourbon label when you go to the store and of course, my top bourbon picks for anyone wanting to begin their start into trying bourbon. In this video I provide available bourbons from different distilleries that offer different flavor profiles for you to explore.
VIDEO HERE  (19:10 minutes)


I watch a few bourbon channels on youtube and while I admit that I've learned quite a bit from them, I watch most of them purely for the entertainment value of their taste tests.
My palate isn't refined enough to pick out more than one or maybe two different 'notes' in a drink, but I get a big kick out of all the different flavors some of these folks say they can taste. I was watching one channel a while back, might even be this one, where the guy takes a sip and says something like he's picking up a country breakfast of bacon and eggs, sliced fruit and a side of buckwheat pancakes with dripping with maple syrup.
Okay, if you say so.....


  1. Really good. Good. Alright. Not good. Horrible. Those are bourbon reviews, from 5 stars to 1 star.

  2. We got a local disillery called Southern Grace and their bourbon is very decent, called Conviction. Their set up in an old prison which allows them plenty of security, a very unique setting and even have a nice selection of other spirits. (Their lemonaide is smooth and deadly deceptive!)

    1. A bourbon recipe for sure, but Im one of of those people that believe if it ain't out of Kentucky...
      I have heard of them though, and it's supposed to be good stuff. If I'm not mistaken, they substitute barley for rye in their mash bill which would take that bite out, which is perfectly fine by me. I drink a wheated bourbon for the same reason.

  3. Rebel Yell.
    Some people look down their noses at it, but it's 80 proof and smoother than most others.
    Good enough for my dad, good enough for 'is dad, good enough for me.

    1. That's what I drank before I found something cheaper. See how I am?
      I always enjoyed Rebel Yell. You're right, it's pretty smooth and it never gave me a headache. Only problem is that it's kind of hard to find near me (cheap. See how I am?).

      Your Dad was alright by me. I'll tip a shot of my current sour mash to him this evening.

    2. You might want to try Henry McKeena, if you can find it. It's cheap in the NE US and it a young'n as they say.

  4. I have a garbage palate, "mmmm yes this one also tastes of caramel hand sanitizer" bout the closest I can get is if someone tells me specifically what to imagine or look for.

  5. If you're tasting bacon and eggs while drinking bourbon, you either started drinking way too early and threw up a bit of breakfast in your mouth, or you should not eat psychedelic mushrooms before doing a bourbon tasting video.

  6. I'm like you, wirecutter, in that I cannot pick out more than one or two notes and honestly I don't really care to refine the palate to the point that I can id all 17. I just know what I like.

    I know you told us a week or three ago what you prefer but I cannot remember what post that was in to even search. Would you mind telling me/us again what bourbon you drink? Thank you in advance!

    1. My latest favorite is Larceny small batch, a wheated bourbon that comes in at a smooth 92 proof. I've got several other opened bourbons in the house, but I haven't touched those since discovering Larceny a few months ago.

    2. You need to have a friend come over to clean up all those loose bottles. I'm available to help.

    3. Let's see, I've got an open bottle of Four Roses small batch, 1791, Buffalo Trace, Maker's Mark, Evan Williams small batch and of course, Larceny.
      Come on down.

  7. Whiskey like pussy. Worst I ever had was wonderful.

    1. Sage advice, Friend. Sage advice.

  8. I'm quit at this point. About the only thing I drink is water out of my 400 foot deep well. I do know some guys up in the North Georgia/Western North Carolina hills that are involved in what they are now calling renewable biofuels research. Ya gotta change with the times! By the way - I've tried it and I never noticed any "subtle flavor notes".

  9. I have always been more of a beer drinker than a consumer of high spirits. My dad (when he was around) was a bourbon man, and so i became one as well. the ancient age he always drank and had laying around turned into Wellers when i started buying my own. then i switched to Beam for some reason. cant remember why that was, but i do remember giving my landlord a bottle or two of it every month or so when i had a small offbase apt over his bar in the bisschen stadt i was stationed at in Germany, in return, he never mentioned rent. and rarely charged me for my beer. it was a good deal all around.

  10. My in-laws were making maple syrup for several years, more of a hobby than a business. They worked out a deal with a local bourbon maker to trade maple syrup for used bourbon barrels. Bourbon maker would add maple syrup to his bourbon and the in-laws would store maple syrup in the barrels which added some flavor.

  11. Too expensive for me.

  12. I don't have an "educated palate". I've tried expensive ones and cheap ones and have settled on Old Grandad 100 proof as my favorite. I'll stick with that.

    1. 100 proof is just a little to stiff for me.

  13. "Fourteen years before the great victory at Chickamauga, W. L. Weller founded his distillery and produced his first barrell of bourbon. The whiskey in this bottle is from the same southern sour mash recipie that his bourbon famous."

  14. I was raised in a bar. I tried a shot of just about everything on the shelf. Never did get through all of them but it wasn't from lack of want. I know the one thing that will never touch my palate ever again is creme de menthe. That was some nasty shit.

    1. With me, it's Southern Comfort. It's sickening sweet, almost like drinking syrup.

  15. I went thru my phase of trying to taste all different types, but damn that got expensive and like everyone else here, I can't tell all that much difference. I either like it or I don't. Now I got 4 or 5 regulars that I know I like and I stick to them. But yeah, it's expensive compared to beer and once I get started, well, you know what they say - if you open a bottle you gotta finish it before it goes bad! For a while there I'd buy a $75 bottle of hootch and finish it the same night. And never actually feel that drunk, either. Can't afford that anymore.

    1. Moderation is the key here. I rarely have more than 1 shot a night and even then I sip it instead of drinking it. It's been years since I've been drunk.
      But Im with you as far as the cost goes. There's plenty of really good inexpensive bourbons out there and there's no way I'll pay more than about 35 bucks for a bottle.

  16. There is that. Nasty stuff for sure.

  17. That must be an old video as the prices around here are anywhere from 40% to 100% higher. Weller is $60 a bottle if you can find it. I like Knob Creek and Makers Mark personally. Never seen Larceny though, I'll have to find a bottle. A wee touch every once in a while is good for the soul.

    Spin Drift

    1. The video's 3 years old. Prices haven't gone up that much in that time period, but they do vary considerably depending on your area, popularity and availability. Liquor store owners price it using those criteria.

  18. EZRA BROOKS, you damned Philistines!


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