
Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Trump claims he’s under ‘total assault’ because of his lead in the polls

Former President Trump claimed on Friday that he is under “total assault” because of his lead in the polls among current and potential GOP presidential candidates.


  1. Trump is under assault because he cannot keep his goddam mouth shut. i love the guy but he Tweeted his-self right out of office. prove me wrong. there is such a thing called diplomacy and he doesn't possess that. you can catch more flies with sugar than vinegar.

    1. "He Tweeted his-self right out of office"...
      Yeah, those tweets were what got Joe Biden 81 million votes, if you catch my drift.

    2. He tweeted because main stream media tore him down. It was the only place he could say something. I thought he handled the media. The rinos cow towed to the media and got no where because the media would only campaign for democrats.

    3. You and your ilk are the problem. Orange man bad, he tweet mean things. FO.

  2. PDT:"|When you're over the target, you're taking flack."

  3. Conservative Treehouse said today that Trump is considering not appearing at an August debate produced by Fox News, as he doesn't want to give them an opportunity to further assassinate his character.

    Also, CT reported that Anheuser Busch is telling its distributors to give their products to their employees if there's a possibility it might exceed it's freshness date. So AB is admitting that since they can't sell it, they'll just give it away. That should be good for the bottom line.

    1. ... but if they give it away, can't they call it a tax deductible expense?

      Or even better, a charitable donation?

    2. No way could that be a charitable contribution. Poor business decisions aren't charitable contributions.
      And it would be tax deductible only in the sense that it would be a loss, not a profit. Shareholders invest in large cap stocks based on profits, not losses.

      No matter how you try to put lipstick on this Dana Mulvaney pig it's still a pig.

    3. I forgot the /sarc tag.

      As to AB being a large cap stock, at least it's somewhat smaller now. :)

  4. Well, Trump's not wrong about it, is he?

  5. I like DJT but I really doubt he'll be on the 2024 ticket. If we even have a 2024 ticket.

  6. Donald Trump has been under assault since he came down the escalator.
    I didn't support him then, I support him now.
    No one knows what DeSantis will turn into once he steps out of Florida.
    So I say, elect the motherfucker for a third time.

  7. I wish Trump and DeSantis would park their egos and combine for a ticket...Trump for 4 more years and DeSantis for 8, but Ya I am not sure he is not another typical politician.
    The problem with having Trump as the front runner is 4 more years of scheming to thwart his ability to hep this county by the left and RINOS.

  8. I like Trump. I voted for him twice. But the reality is he made absolutely TERRIBLE decisions when it came to who to hire for his administration, and who to purge out because they were enemies within his own trenches. He failed at both of these, and it bit him in the ass badly. Pence, Barr, Scaramoochi, Vhindman, Fauci…. the list of bad personnel decisions by Trump is ENDLESS.

    Then consider that he simply would not STFU on social media, and would get into pissing contests with idiots instead of ignoring them and just being above that nonsense.

    And remember that whenever he’d talk about something- anything, anyone, whatever- it would always end up being about him and how great he was.

    We can do better. There are people out there who think, act and fight like Trump, but without all of Trump’s flaws and narcissism. DeSantis…Ramaswamy…Nome….Youngkin…. Pick one. Pick ANY of them. They’re all better at being what Trump says he cares about than Trump himself.

    I really do believe Trump is the ONLY candidate we could offer up who COULDN’T beat Biden.

  9. The demonrats have the cheat down pat. It is in your face. "Yeah we cheated, what can YOU do about it?" Unless these fuckers are reigned in I don't think there will ever be another honest/fair election. We are in a war for the soul of America and we are WAAAY behind.

    1. America has passed the point of free elections

  10. It's sad there are still so many people that think Trump is going to save us. Nobody is coming to save you. Harden up.

  11. The next president has alreadey been chosen. The election is just theater to calm the proles.

  12. Nobody is winning the White House that isn't approved by the criminal swamp.
    As for Trump...the criminal left hates him with an irrational rage. They want him dead...
    or in prison...where he can be more easily killed. They want to make an example of what happens to outsiders that oppose them.

  13. God bless Donald J Trump.
    May he gain access to the worlds biggest excavator for he will need it to drain the DC swamp.

    1. Like he promised to last time and drowned in the swamp instead?

  14. DJT appointed poor people to man his cabinet, of this, there is no doubt. However, since all cabinet picks are approved by the Senate, do you think they'd approve, oh, say our host, Mr. Lane? Of course not. Since nearly all congresscritters are corrupt, no matter who sits in the Oval office, the game is rigged against a President like DJT.
    The solution is: Rope, tree, congresscritter, wash, rinse, repeat.
    After that, on to the 3 letter 'agencies'....
    Of course, I'm only theorizing...


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