
Friday, May 05, 2023

And here we have a picture of three li'l bitches



  1. They all self-identified as pregnant women so were entitled to remain seated. What is the world coming to these days!

  2. I dunno. I mean yeah - of course. But these days that pic could just as easily been a set piece bit. Or hell, the pregnant chick could have just got done telling them she don't need no special help from no man.

    I just can't tell with the way shit is breaking down from normal.

    1. Or she's a "strong independent woman who doesn't need a man" and these three gents took her at her word.

  3. No lie. I reckon a lot of youngsters today would not get what is wrong with that picture.

    1. @Bright Eyes May 5, 2023 at 4:29 AM

      "I reckon a lot of youngsters today would not get what is wrong with that picture."

      To steal more from the Black man, Rick James: Senility. It's a helluva drug.

    2. What to fuck are you talking about? What has black got to do with my comment? Who to hell is Rick James?

    3. Bright Eyes - see what I have to deal with on a daily basis?

    4. @Bright Eyes May 5, 2023 at 12:24 PM

      Well played, xir! Well played, indeed.

      Please to accept this onion. For thine belt.

    5. I'm an old guy and I still don't see anything wrong with that picture. After what women and gov have done to men and to this country in the last 50 years, there's no way in hell I'd give up my seat for some random tnuc.

  4. Equality and all o that stuff, "You've come a long way baby" !

  5. Reminds me when my wife and I were in a hotel waiting for new house. One day we were waiting for the elevator and this gaggle of illegals were staying there too. You know the ones that Brandon paid for everything for them? Anyway the elevator shows up, doors open and this one guy elbowed his way past my wife. That got him a quick jerk of the collar and pulled out of the elevator with a stern warning that he was in Texas now. The rest of em just looked at this guy as if to say " Way to go Carl."

  6. Three transgenders on a bench and a pregnant man standing. Nothing wrong with that. The man shows respect to the women by letting them sit.

  7. This is what equality looks like. They demanded it, they got it. You don't get to pick and choose when equality applies to your advantage.

    1. Damn straight! They all claim to be equal right up until it's time to open the door, put the toilet seat down, or claim a seat on the bus.

  8. Replies
    1. Is sort of public offence (unofficial) to do that - people around would blame the un-shamed man. There still exists the "shame", meaning good family education, first.
      Even a woman offers her place, be older, as well.
      Is what kind of joke your saying?

    2. I'm saying, hair, facial features, clothes, shoes, lack of obesity, and NO GRAFFITI. Or trash. And no preggo American woman would be caught dead in horizontal stripes.

  9. She shouldn't have let a dude bang her that can't afford a car. Decisions have consequences.

    1. So you're saying, erections have consequences?

  10. I occasionally have to use a cane, and I have experienced nothing but eager helpfulness from other people, men and women, who even admonish their kids to "hold the door for her!" There are still good people out there.

  11. I guess I come from a time too long ago and a place too far away, but if I saw that, I am afraid I would have to say something to those losers sitting while the woman stood. I know all about how people end up getting beat up or knifed or worse, but at some point, Americans have to take a stand and take our nation back, including the proper way of treating ladies and children, etc.
    At the same time, I would have to know that I might be taking an ass kicking or worse. Sometimes, you have to take the beating for doing what is right. I am tired of my nation being turned into a 3rd world shithole by people who want to act like that kind of people.

    1. That is not the hill to die on, trust me. Why would anyone be on an urban subway in the first place at this point in the collapse? Getting stabbed or shot there over a seat is Darwin material.

  12. I was going to visit a friend on Long Island on a Friday many moons ago. The train was full and a pregnant lady came on so I stood up to let her have the seat. Doesn't some jackass jump right into it. Not being from NYC, I grabbed him by the tie and lifted him from the seat, then motioned for the lady to be seated. When I turn him loose, he vacated the car. Who raises these people?

  13. Could just well be she has a bit of a beer belly and would not be happy if you implied she was pregnant

  14. women wanted "equality". they got it.

  15. This story doesn't include a pregnant woman, but is in the same spirit: After a long, hard week being out of town on business I boarded BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) for a long ride to the other side of the Bay to spend the weekend with a friend. Had a pile of baggage and since the car is almost empty, I put them on the seat next to mine. After a few stops the car began to fill up and a male POC walked up and said, "You need to move your shit so I can sit down." I pointed to the several seats he'd walked past to get to me and declined to move. "If you'd asked politely I wouldn't have minded. But I don't take orders."

    At the next stop a young woman got on, walked to where I was sitting, and stood holding onto the overhead rail.

    "Ma'am, would you like to sit down?"

    "Why yes, I would. It's been a long week and my feet are killing me."

    I hauled my gear out of the way, let her squeeze past and into the now empty seat. She sat down with a sigh of relief. The guy who had DEMANDED my obedience? He gave me the stink eye until he got off the train. You can bet HE wouldn't have give that young woman his seat.

  16. Two of them are on their screens and the other appears to be asleep. They may not even know she's there. Still, there's no way I would be that oblivious while on any subway.

  17. Equality shouldn't mean decency and respect no longer matter. How we treat others is a reflection of who we are and what we value in action. It doesn’t matter who the other person is, it matters what we do. We’re all better when any one us does right by another. TMc


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