
Monday, May 01, 2023

Blood and Water

The poet Allen Ginsberg’s sexual proclivity for little boys is well known, not least of all his membership in NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association. His most famous remark about children, however, was not in any sense erotic. “We’ll get you through your children!” he screamed at Norman Podhoretz in 1958, at the end of a heated argument that saw the two men part ways as friends for good. This wasn’t a specific threat to Podhoretz, neither of whose children had been born yet. Instead, Ginsberg was issuing a prophecy about the fate of American, indeed Western, society as a whole. The revolution may leave you—the squares and the sticks-in-the-mud—untouched, but it will touch your children and your grandchildren—and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.


  1. Too bad this fucker's dead already

  2. Saw a short video somewhere, between a comedian and one of the Rockefellers. Rock asked the guy what he thought about wimmens lib. The guy gave the wrong answer. Rock stated the right answer was they wanted the women to go to work so they could be taxed and they wanted control/access to the children.

    1. yes, exactly this. ^^^ Increase the numbers of taxpayers, get mom and dad out of the house and destroy the family, give the kids to the .gov to indoctrinate, er 'raise'... it's insidious, satanic, and didn't just start yesterday...
      Original Grandpa

  3. What really confuses me about the Left-Progressive young people these days is how the fuck they think socialism and communism is good? If you believe that you are against oppression how can you support that? I’m having a hard time with the government as it is now, much less wanting more of it.


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