
Tuesday, May 02, 2023

California Legislature Considering New Rules Mandating EV Bidirectional Charging Capabilities

We have been chronicling California’s conversion to a green energy theocracy, where the legislature imposes rules on fuel limitations that cannot currently be met by today’s technology. 

Not content with just denying the sales of new fossil-fuel-powered vehicles by 2035, the legislature is now considering a measure that would mandate that electric vehicles offer bidirectional charging capabilities.


  1. Sure, you can have the lights on tonight, but won't be able to leave your home tomorrow. These measures need to stop being considered "insane." THEY ARE CRIMINAL and should be dealt with accordingly.

    1. Open your mind.
      At night, your car powers the house. In the morning, your house powers the car.
      See how easy that is?
      And if you run the microwave, your car charges faster.

  2. Every time I think the CA legislature has reached peak stupid they say "Hold my bong and watch this!!" I'm so glad I emigrated last year.

  3. The land of fruits & nuts alright.

  4. To quote Squidward, "Just when I thought they couldn't get any stupider..."

    This is a band-aid approach to something that will not be fixed unless all new powerplants are built, preferably nuclear power plants. They are zero carbon-emission powerplants, are not dependent upon weather or time of day, are dispatchable, and can run 24/7/365 at 100% power for years. (Gen I and Gen II plants need to be shut down approximately every 2-1/2 years for refueling, but some of the Gen III and Gen IV plants never need to be shut down for refueling as they can be refueled even when they are operating.

    The PRC is doomed. It's time to start building a wall to seal off the coastal area from the rest of the nation. Eastern California can still be saved, but Coastal California is a lost cause.

  5. Anyone who has installed a whole home generator knows it takes a helluva lot more than a modest 9kw dump for a short time, to be of any use.

    You should ha e seen the face of the guy in our office when I told him his new electric F150 would barely power a coffee pot and tv.

  6. Bidirectional EVs. Is that like Electron Transitioning?

    1. Sounds like they’ve gone full AC-DC!

  7. 'Charging' means power going INTO the vehicle battery. 'bi-directional charging' is a contradiction of terms.

  8. This is great news! With this forward-thinking legislation Californians are one step closer to being able to burn both their Ford F150 Lightening and their home down to the ground at the same time. AWSOME!

  9. So , you pay to charge your electrowagon , then they pull the juice back out , do you get a refund ?

  10. You have got to be s*ting me. Except it's California. Didn't California used to have major industries filled with people that understood such electricity things? Probably all in Texas or Florida now.

  11. Knowing something about how Commie governments work I'd guess something like this will happen.
    You charge the battery in your EV (is it still correct to refer to it as 'Your' EV and battery?) at 40 cents per kilowatt.
    A Power Emergency occurs and the mandated reverse charging begins. At the same time those homes drawing power from the grid are paying 'Peak Load' pricing from their 'Smart Power Meter' and are paying 50 cents per kilowatt.
    When you charged your EV it was overnight at 'Off Peak' prices. They Peoples Power Utility is drawing the power from your EV, what is the credit that you will receive in return?
    A. 40 cents, what you paid (See "C")
    B. 50 cents. (What! Are you a Capitalist money grubber trying to profit off the backs of the People?)
    C. Zero cents. (Sorry, you are not a registered utility so cannot legally sell power in the People's State)

    Any complaints must be filed with the State office located in the sub-basement of your local Party Center.

    1. That's pretty much the way I thought when I first heard about it.
      And I like how you included "mandated" because that's what Socialists do.

    2. "Ideas so stupid they have to be enforced by point of law"....and a gun....but don't mention that....

  12. WestcoastDeplorableMay 2, 2023 at 8:21 PM

    What an utterly stupid idea. How will homeowners be compensated if the power company sucks juice outta your EV? Hell right now they don't want to pay out for those will solar panels and excess electric. If the idiots in Sac adopt this, expect fires all over California and big push back from people holding onto their gas-powered vehicles!

  13. Its not about whether the design works. Its about total control over you. Everything else is just marketing.

  14. California needs a part time legislature that only works 90 days every other year. Their full time legislature does nothing but cause trouble.

  15. Once they do this, the Gov won't have to ask people to not charge their EVs during peak times to the grid. In fact, he will probably encourage them to hook the EVs up.


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