
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Catch me if you can

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — A man who calls himself a drug dealer was arrested after attempting to escape police speeding over 150 mph in Davidson County on Tuesday, according to MNPD.


  1. I used to drive that fast. A lot. Had a few real muscle cars and I reckon a death wish.

  2. I used to laugh watching Cops and related shows. They breathlessly narrate OMG the suspect is driving up to 80 mph trying to escape, how dangerous!!

    Hell, I hit 90+ trying to merge onto I-10 outside of Houston. Most modern cars, absent any sort of artificial electronic control limitation, can easily hit 100 mph and still be controllable. My wife's Buick rides like the living room couch at 100 with no problem. Try doing that in a 60's model with drum brakes, no aerodynamics, polyglass tires and a really loose steering wheel is what separates men from boys.

    I've had several vehicles that could easily peg the 120 speedo and still keep accelerating. Motorcycles too, although my latest has the Jap spec speed limiter set at 112 mph for some reason. Don't push that hard anymore, but still if I was dealing drugs? 150 wouldn't be a problem.

  3. What the hell is a "Doge?" Is that ebonics for Dodge?

  4. Anything on the news up there about the chase that started in Nashville Monday morning and ended up with two guys arrested in Falkville, AL (about 10 mi south of the Tennessee River) after they wrecked the car? Spike strips put a stop to the chase.

  5. "Detectives eventually caught him, and found he had a loaded, fully automatic gun on him, officers report."

    Oh, noes! Not an AUTOMATIC gun!!

    And the smell of WEED in the car!!

    What high schooler wrote this?

    But seriously, it looks like Slick checked off every block on the form and now the Hellcat belongs to MNPD.


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