
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Surely you're kidding..... right?



  1. where in the hell are they selling that ? it has to be the height of lazy.
    how long do they keep before turning ? damn. dave in pa.

  2. Oh, how useful. Maybe they’ll do bananas as well!

  3. God bless Leslie Nielsen.

    1. Univ of Saigon 68May 10, 2023 at 8:25 AM

      This is undoubtedly a reference to one of his 'Naked Gun' movies, but without a video clip I'm clueless.

    2. You are correct!

  4. Include a photo of the fingernails of the person that peeled that orange.

  5. I refuse to buy that product unless they pull the pieces apart for me and remove all the white stingy stuff, what kind of barbarians do they think we are!!!???

  6. There are people with arthritis or other infirmities that would have difficulty peeling an orange. Walmart sells oranges for 85 cents apiece, I would expect it to be sectioned too.

    1. If you turn the slices to the correct orientation, they'll appear to be "C" sectioned.

  7. I'll tell you why they're selling oranges like that. It's because here in America, we buy produce based purely on appearance, rather than flavor, nutrition, or anything else. Those oranges where blemished to one degree or another, and wouldn't sell at all otherwise. So what if half of them rot (since they're peeled now) before selling? It's still better than the big fat nothing the supermarket would get otherwise.

    This is also why people (mostly from other countries at this point) taste the grapes in the store, and some will even sample the other fruit etc as well. After all, how the heck can you make an informed decision about buying it if you haven't tasted it!?!

    This is also why supermarket tomatoes are huge and taste like styrofoam. And apples too, for that matter. If appearance is the sole arbiter of what people buy, then the market will cater to that, to (IMHO) disastrous affect.

    -John G

    1. Farmer Victor Davis Hanson wrote about that very subject in one of his books.

    2. In Germany, apples in markets have worm holes and other fruit have bruises. No big deal. Eat it or do without.

    3. I remember the first public market I went to in Bonn. I picked up an avocado to find just the right one and got yelled at. They pick what you buy, not you.

      That was a long time ago, though. Things may have changed since then.

    4. Appearance is a major arbiter of what people buy, and yet they still go out and bitch about the potential for pesticide residue in the food supply.

  8. Love to put a sticky label on one of those: "Hans Delbruck"

    LC LtC

  9. Gen Z assholes are driving this shit. Soon, they'll even eat it for you.

  10. Lazy ass generation. who whine about global warming then flood the world extra bs plastic. Same ones that go to Home Depot and but 20 packages of wood screws that have just 2 screws in each package

  11. Right up there with "microwave sun tea" advertised in the 70s.


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