
Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Commentary: It’s Time to Separate School and State

The state-run school system as it stands is a one-size-fits-all monstrosity which crowds out private alternatives and spreads socialistic and anti-Christian propaganda. It’s time to think bigger than Friedman’s school vouchers, it’s time to separate school from state.


  1. No one in government above the level of a local school board should have ever been involved in education.

    1. No one in government should be involved in education at all. Period. Three biggest reasons:

      1. It's an inherently unjust misuse of tax dollars. The purpose of government being to uphold and protect our rights, primary among which are the right and control of property and the cause of justice. (I.E. hold thieves, assailants, and murders to justice) Use of tax dollars for things that aren't explicitly required for those ends results in taxation itself being a perpetration of injustice. I.E. If tax dollars are used for any purpose OTHER than protecting rights, then it really is theft, and undermines rights (particularly the right to own and control property) instead.

      This also applies to all other "positive" "rights" like the right to free "healthcare". Education isn't something that you can justify (in extreme cases) taking a gun to your neighbor's head over. Police, army, courts, jails, maintenance of right-of-ways (roads, waterway, and utility) are.

      2. It's inherently unworkable. The government screws everything they do up. Government sponsored healthcare means rationing & deathboards & really fuckin' poor care. (see any socialist government ever, and any country that's had one of these systems for more than a decade. The horror stories abound. Same thing applies to education. Give it to the government to take care of? That just means that NOBODY gets any. Did you know that the literacy rate in the US was higher BEFORE taxpayer funded education? It's true! And it's not a small difference, either. Government schools make people dumber. Period. Even if the parents are illiterate, kids are still better off academically if they're homeschooled. Yes, it's been studied and is provable. Even if BOTH PARENTS WORK, the kids are better off (academically) staying at home alone than going to school. NO education is better than a government education.

      3. It's contrary to it's stated purposes. What's the excuse given for taxpayer funded education? "We need educated citizens!" But what's the most important duty of a citizen? That's right - to keep a wary eye on the government for corruption and unwarranted seizure of power. What happens to ANYONE who is paid by politicians (i.e. taxpayers) who actually teaches that? They get harassed, and if they don't stop, fired. Can't teach the kiddos that they need to keep an eye on the local school board for corruption and other malfeasance, can we?

      The only inarguable good they do is babysitting for poor people. And their hours stink almost as badly as their pickup policies!

      We would be better to deep six the whole damn system from top to bottom, stop all special taxes, auction off the facilities and equipment, and replace it with NOTHING AT ALL.

      Government should not be involved AT ALL in education, especially children's education.

  2. As a retired teacher out here in Los Angeles. I have to agree & suggest someone like Forrest Gump. As Forrest always wound up making the right call!!

  3. the department of education did not exist as a seperate department before 1980. seems education on a national level has gone down hill ever since. no where in the constitution is "educate the public" found, or even implied, so the department of education guidelines and mandated are a direct violation of the tenth amendment and unconstitutional.
    the DE was originally intended to standardize education so kids in poor stated were taught at the same level as kids in rich states.
    yet when we moved from Kansas, a "poor, backwards" state to Virginia, a "wealthy, progressive" state, my kids coasted for TWO YEARS as they had already learned what Virginia was teaching. some "standardization". i would call it a massive fail.


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