
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Commentary: It’s Time to Treat Communist Symbols Like the Swastika

If someone were to ask you to think of either extreme of the political spectrum, odds are you would immediately picture a swastika at one end, and a hammer and sickle at the other. Regardless of your views of the left-right paradigm, or whether you subscribe to horseshoe theory or not, we (rightfully) tend to perceive fascism and communism as the standard ideologies of the extreme.


  1. Many make the common mistake that NAZIs were far right. In fact, both the NAZIs (german acronym for "National Socialist German Workers' Party") and communists/socialists are far left. Never accept the false equivalence of NAZI = far right from the lying leftists.

  2. I think you're preaching to the choir. At least on this blog. Communism has, as a philosophy, killed more people than all the wars in all of history. Including all religious persecution. By an order of magnitude... or more. Since one of the founding principles of Communism is to lie about things, getting reliable figures is quite difficult.

    Frankly, when I see a swastika on someone's social media profile, I react more favorably than to seeing a raised fist or hammer and sickle. Most self-proclaimed Nazis are more reasonable and more willing to discuss without resorting to hate and name calling than the social justice warrior types I've encountered.

    And yet there's still atheist proponents of this openly murderous ideology that hate all religion, claiming that religion is hateful and murderous. And belligerently refuse to educate themselves or listen to any fact, reason, or argument that might possibly contradict the lies they've bought.

    It is only just to apply the same standard to them that they apply to everyone else - if you can't convert them, just kill them to get them out of the way. It's unutterably sad (my eldest daughter is one of them), and a colossal waste, but that doesn't make it any less fair or just. I keep hoping that we don't end up there, but the bible prophesies over and over that the wicked will fall into the pit they dug for the saints.

    John G.

  3. Communism was started by members of a certain tribe, the other didn't tolerate this tribe that has caused so many to suffer that every nation in Europe has kicked them out over the centuries. When one digs deep enough, one may find the truth buried deeply. Don't accept the widely circulated opinions spread by most. Read "the World Conquerors" by Louis Marshalko for starters. F communism. Hybo

  4. Mr Stone needs more education about the various forms of totalitarianism…

    The term “Nazi” is/was a contraction for National Socialism…

    The only differences between Communism and National Socialism are:

    1. Whether that make you face the wall or not…
    2. The caliber they use

    1. I agree, but people still argue that the Nazis were right wing.

    2. They are right wing. Don't let the leftists tell you what your opinion should be, do your own research.

  5. When I was a kid, Communists were considered just as bad as Nazis.
    Now there's a Communist in Colorado that wants to punish business owners for having light skin by taxing them more.

  6. They do not appear to understand that Fascism and Nazism are two different things. The Nazi party was The National Socialist party in Germany and the frontman was everyone's pal Adolph Hitler . The Fascists were an Italian party headed by the ever popular Benito Mussolini . Two totally different groups of shitheads

    1. Fascists, of the Italian, Spanish or Argentinian variety, are all national socialists. Same with the German NAZIs. National socialists. That means the Government controls all aspects of the nation indirectly, by mandates and controls. Kind of like what we have her in the US of A.

      International Socialists/Communists directly control via force and ownership all aspect of the nation.

      They are all leftists. All of them.

    2. That’s the lie you’ve been told.
      The German term “Sozialismus” is not the same as Marxism. It’s a distinct, and opposing, ideology. Oswald Spengler wrote a great (but verbose) treatise on it in 1919 called “Prussianism and Socialism.”
      The Fascists and the National Socialists formed as a direct counter to Bolshevism. And since the Bolsheviks won the Big War, they’ve set the narrative that we’ve been told our entire lives…

    3. exactly, finally someone else that understands the truth. Again, you all need to really dig deep.

    4. Right. Just “shitheads” who actually got off the couch and fought back against Communists who were subverting and destroying their countries.
      You’ve seen the lies of the left in the last few years. What makes you think this is a new phenomenon?

  7. Its the Nationalist part of the moniker that people automatically assume makes them right wing. Being patriotic certainly doesn’t mean you are right leaning and have conservative veiws.

  8. I believe the Communists and Socialists should have mandatory tattoos of the hammer and sickle on their foreheads. That way, we can later take them to the guillotine and remove the Communist-Socialist disease from their body.

    1. What a ridiculous statement. Guess you hate the 1st amendment and differences in opinion. You are part of the one world elitist problem, shame on you. I really hope you are kidding. Hybo

  9. I am as white as you possibly can be. I am PROUD of my race, PROUD of my culture, and PROUD of our accomplishments. When I see that fucking swastika, it reminds me of those who DISGRACED my race. This I do not forgive. This I do not forget.

    1. Too bad you are not open to do some research on your own. I know, it is easier to go along with the mindset that the communists want you to have. Sad.

  10. Everyone in this forum knows the differences and disintgoushments. If you're reading this, you're informed. Totalitarianism is bad. That is all.


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