
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Now had it been an American flag...

A homeless man has been charged with several hate crimes for defecating on an LGBTQ+ Pride flag and wiping his behind with another at a Manhattan restaurant, according to the NYPD.


  1. Was it his flag? If so, no crime. If not, then petty theft/destruction of private property....NOTHING MORE.

  2. Ass wipe is all the rainbow flag is.
    Put out some rainbow flag toilet paper. It's the only rainbow flag merch for me.
    - Clem

  3. Not all heroes wear capes.

  4. Apparently, Fred's shit DOES stink.

  5. His mistake was not using his own flags but as a Democracist grievance mascot the charges will likely be dropped. I think if I obtain my own I could get away with tying it to my car bumper. We can't drag the fags (yet) but we can probably drag their flag.

    1. Nope. Buy a Mehican or Iranian or Pride flag and drag it around or wipe your arse with it and it will be called a hate crime.

      They have made it so that you can't question their paradigm.

      But you can do whatever you want with the American flag, no matter who owns it.

  6. Ahahhahahahahahahahahah

    I guess she is very intolerant of people pooping, but not intolerant of gay dudes eating poop.


    Hate crime wiping butt with gay rainbow flag.

    Love is jamming a wiener in some dudes hairy butt.


    These people are insane!

  7. According to the left it IS the american flag, so ......,.

  8. If it was a American flag or Confederate flag he would be held up as a hero and the elite of new York would be lineing up to help him

  9. It's a symbol of the depravity of the upper classes. He's an impoverished homeless man. Do. The. Math. But if it wasn't already clear enough, on the victimhood Olympics value scale, pedophilic kiddy-diddling faggots rank higher than homeless dudes. And if the latter offends the former, they must be punished! Can't wait for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0.

  10. Not a hate crime?

  11. Univ of Saigon 68May 18, 2023 at 9:53 AM

    "Barroll said that hate crimes detectives worked tirelessly to track Innocent down."

    Crime and Punishment - HCD
    [Sound Effect BONK! BONK!]

  12. what i read is NOT all homeless folk are crazy!

  13. So instead of being homeless, he'll have 3 hots and a cot for some time. Maybe not so dumb after all. . .


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