
Friday, May 12, 2023

Commentary: January 6 Supporters Set Their Focus on Trump

In 2002, David Frum, chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush, coined the phrase “axis of evil” to describe the despotic regimes of North Korea, Iran, and Iraq during the nascent stages of the global war on terror. 

Today, Frum is warning the country about a different axis of evil that he believes similarly threatens the security of America and perhaps even the world: Donald Trump, the Oath Keepers, and the Proud Boys.


  1. "the foot soldiers of the January 6 attack on Congress are sentenced to prison terms, which for many will mean the lifelong loss of political rights”

    He's, not merely supa, but supa-dupa smart. For having no idea why they were there. In the first place.

  2. Probably on the Epstein flight logs...


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