
Friday, May 12, 2023

Daniel Penny will be charged over fatal subway chokehold on Jordan Neely

Marine veteran Daniel Penny will be charged Friday over the fatal subway chokehold of homeless man Jordan Neely on the NYC subway, according to a report.

Penny, 24, could face charges over the 30-year-old's death as early as Friday, according to NBC4 NY. He is expected to surrender himself to a police station.

The four-year Marine veteran restrained Neely after he menaced terrified train passengers telling them he was ready to die or go to jail for life at the Broadway-Lafayette Street station.


  1. Vine swinging apes must be appeased under all circumstances. If you're a white male just walk away.

  2. Lesson learned, let NY'ers kill each other.

  3. Fat (Hey Hey Hey!) Alvin should use prosecutorial discretion and decline to prosecute. This marine did New York City a service by disposing of the trash, albeit only one piece of litter in a garbage dump. This sucks for Penny because it is expensive to defend oneself in court. Bragg will use the felony charges to try to get Penny to take a plea, an unappetizing offer. Acquittal is almost guaranteed if Penny can wait things out until he is tried. In the meantime, Fat Alvin should be vigilantly prosecuting the subway terror makers and put them in jail or a mental institution as appropriate so that citizens do not have to defend other subway riders from their antics.

  4. This is why you don't get involved. Fuck what the boomers say about what a "real man" does. When it comes down to it, you are more likely to go to jail than the perp. Let them have the diversity they so badly want.

    1. ^^^ This. If it ain't me or mine, not my issue.

      People vote for this shit, let them live with the consequences.

    2. Absolutely. What is a conservative white man even doing in NYC on the subway anyway? The slow learners are taking themselves out of the game. There will be plenty of opportunity to heroics when it comes home to your own hearth and home.

  5. should get a medal

  6. His legal firm has a Give Send Go set up.
    Steve S6

    1. Wow, it is already up to $365K!!!!

  7. Is he going to charge the other two as accessories?

  8. He should have just got off the train when it pulled into the station and kept his mouth shut, but no he had to be the hero...

  9. The "homeless man" should never have been anywhere near the subway to terrorize the other passengers that day because he should have been locked up at some point over the span of his prior 42 arrests. "The system failed him" is just code for: No matter what anyone tried to do to help the POS he refused to give a damn about himself, descended into insanity and met with a bad end. It happens hundreds of times a day here on planet earth, deal.

  10. Anyone anywhere who defends themselves or others from a member of the lefts protected classes of violent thugs will be crucified by the criminals in power. If forced to do so make sure to be as anonymous as possible and never stick around waiting for the badgemonkeys who will happily throw your ass in jail.

  11. The legal process is the punishment. Daniel Penny will be bankrupted, smeared, and publicly ridiculed. The DA will overcharge for publicity, but will be unable to convict (just like George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin). The next couple of years will be pure hell for Mr. Penny.

  12. $631,000 as of 8:30 PM CST. We rock!

  13. Obviously, their goal is to show us all what will happen if we stand up. Clowered Piven 101. Soon it is all gonna hit the fan. Let those scumbags burn their own cities. BTW when I was in the Marines, we used to "choke" each other out all the time... Yeah sometimes the field got pretty boring.


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