
Friday, May 12, 2023

See what happens when you taze another man's dog?

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. -- A suspect in a Murfreesboro home invasion is shot and killed by the homeowner. 

The homeowner shot and killed one man in the home invasion on January Street Friday night, and shot a second suspect multiple times, according to Murfreesboro police. Kevin Ford, 52, is identified as the person who died at the scene.


  1. $700,000 bail. Are the democrats starting a GoFreeMe to get this poor soul out on bail?

  2. Invade a home = FAFO

    BTW, big win for 2A

    1. About that court decision: I'm hoping I'm wrong about this, but it seems like every time there's a 2A win in the courts, or favorable 2A legislation passed, a cluster of mass shootings happens.
      But kudos to the judge for applying NYSRPA v Bruen.

  3. For those not familiar with the area, January Street in Murfreesboro is essentially the projects, it is a very high crime area. Just an FYI ...


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