
Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Gordon Lightfoot dies at 84

TORONTO (AP) — Gordon Lightfoot, the legendary folk singer-songwriter known for “If You Could Read My Mind” and “Sundown” and for songs that told tales of Canadian identity, died Monday. He was 84.


  1. Hope he's having a beer with McSorely and the other 28 men. RIP, Mr. Lightfoot.

  2. Damn. One of my favorites.
    When I was a kid, as the family was going somewhere, I heard 'Sundown' on the radio. It not only stuck with me, it's the ONLY song from that time I actually remember hearing.

    1. Sundown was a song about his romance with Cathy Smith - a professional groupie, and the one that gave John Belushi a speedball of note.

  3. Condolences to the world

  4. I regret I never got to see Mr Lightfoot, another from my youth that’s gone. What a story teller he was with music.

  5. Another great loss to civilisation. One of his was the only LP I ever bought on the strength of one track - The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

  6. "Sometimes I think it's a sin when I feel like I'm winning when I'm losing again."
    Explains a lot. Go with God, Mr. L.

  7. He will be missed, saw him in Clearwater a few years back, great show once his voice got warmed up.

    1. i was at same show, my wife convinced me to go, thoroughly enjoyed it....he did have a short political snype or two but i was able to ignore, for once

  8. On that carefree highway....


  9. Starker here,
    I did finally get to see him just as the flu restrictions were lifting. It was great opportunity. He didn't use any electronics to help his withering voice. He had switched to a more breathy style in the 80's. He had broken his wrist & "had to learn to play guitar, again". The audience was helping him sing more than with him. I felt he was touring to pay the bills. The experience was melancholy.
    I waited too long to see him.

    1. I know what you mean. I saw him frequently in his winter years but I felt like i owed it to him
      The world is sadder & lonelier without him.

  10. In a perfect world, you'd still have Gordon...and Lori would be down here where she belongs.
    F.D.R. in Hell

  11. Remember he suffered a from an abdominal aneurysm in 2002. It took a lot out of him. I saw him after recovery in 2007, Houston Tx. I am glad I got to see him. RIP. One of my favorite performers.

  12. "Edmund" and "If you could read my mind" are two of my favorite songs. RIP, Gordon.

  13. "If You Could Read My Mind" was the song that turned me on to Gordon Lightfoot way back in the day. I still think that song was one of the best he ever made. I have been a fan of his for over 50 years now. "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" is another of my favorites. The tempo and timbre of that song actually makes you feel the building storm. (Anyone that's been to sea in rough weather will know exactly what I mean.)


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