
Friday, May 12, 2023

He Did It Again...Doubled Down On His Anti-2A Actions

Not Lee, not Newsom, not Inslee, but Donald Trump.

VIDEO HERE  (8:41 minutes)
Start the video at the 1:45 mark to get past his sponsor material.


What I find curious is the folks screaming about Tennessee's governor being a RINO (which he is, trust me) because he wants to introduce Red Flag laws at a State level are forgetting that Trump wanted to do it on a National level, ignoring the fact that it blatantly violates our Bill of Rights by allowing seizure of personal property and depriving us of due process.

Then there's folks that are screaming about the ATF's doing an unconstitutional rule change on AR pistol braces and certain triggers while conveniently forgetting that Trump gave them the go-ahead when he told the ATF to change the rule on bump stocks.

And please spare me the remarks about him doing it because he knows the Supreme Court will overturn it later.
First, even if the Supreme Court decides to hear the cases, that will be at least a couple years down the road and second, what fucking good is it going to do? The Supreme Court isn't anything more than a paper tiger given the outstanding pro-2A decisions they've handed down lately, only to have New York, Illinois, and Washington not only thumbing their noses at them but doubling down on gun control laws with no consequences whatsoever. 

Hey, Trump did some great things while he was in office, much better than that piece of shit Biden ever dreamed of doing, but his understanding of our Bill of Rights is sadly lacking.


  1. Yeah, combine that with his utter failure to fix the situation with the persecution of Assange and Snowden, and IMHO Trump is just another sock puppet for the swamp. The only real difference is that he's been given a different part of the script to read.

    It's still the same script though.

    -John G.

  2. I'm willing to give him a pass on the bump stocks. Why? Because the so-called experts at the NRA gave him the greenlight to go ahead and do it. The NRA has long been run by Fudds and has always been opposed to NFA weapons, with their president at the time being the one responsible for the NFA in the first place.

    1. Nope, no passes. He was the President of the United States, he should know about the branches of government and what their responsibilities and restrictions are, especially when it comes to lawmaking. It's something we all learned in High School Government class.

    2. But then the NRA should also not be getting a free ride

    3. I agree with you 100% on that.

    4. I quit donating to the NRA over a decade ago. They haven't earned it in a very long time.

    5. Donate to the GOA

      Evil Franklin

  3. Rocket launchers for every American, not just the Taliban.
    - Clem

  4. Kenny, thanks for posting this.
    - WDS

  5. Trump was the best (by far!) of the shit choices we were given. While he tried to do great things for the country, never, never forget that he is (Was) a New York Democrat at heart.

    He isn't the great savior that many folks think he is. He's not a Conservative, nor is he one of the "common" people. He's a very rich arrogant east coast guy who simply tried to do the best he knew how for the country. He isn't perfect, nor is he a savior.

    1. The only reason I voted for him the first time was to give Hillary the finger. I went into the voting booth to cast my ballot for Darrell Castle, the Constitution Party's candidate, but changed my mind at the last moment.

    2. Compared to the Stuff-N-Fluff the GoPee party runs for office Trump was better. Still a pretty low bar, though.

    3. Ken. What's the alternative in 2024? Asking for a friend. In my mind voting 3rd party might be a "Fuck the Republicans & Democrats" poke in the eye, but it's like trying to piss up a rope.

    4. Well, I'm registered with the Constitution Party. Their candidate, who is unannounced at this time, may not have a snowball's hell in winning, but at least I'll be able to sleep at night knowing I didn't vote for the Uni-Party.

    5. @wirecutter May 12, 2023 at 12:46 PM

      "at least I'll be able to sleep at night knowing I didn't vote for the Uni-Party"

      That's still playing along. With "the Uni-Party".

      Just because you don't deflower the "hawt" grrl, with a big something extra, doesn't mean you didn't take "her" to the prom.

    6. I'm registered "non aligned" here in NC but always vote Republican since I figure it's the lesser of 2 evils, but the way things are going in this country voting for any party has become a pointless process.

    7. Anon@1:03 Just how is refusing to vote with the establishment still playing along with the Uni-Party? Try to make sense sometime, will you?

      BTW, you don't have to use the gay @ before my screen name. I'm smart enough to figure out who you're talking to when you address me by name.

  6. Trump was nothing but a Blue Dog democrat. I believe he cares about the country and wants a strong military, but on social issues he's a liberal.

  7. Voting for ANYONE is like trying to piss up a rope. FFS...

  8. I tell ya I like DeSantis. Although hate to lose him as Governor. He was a JAG officer. He knows the law. He stands up to that woke shit in a big way too.

  9. "nd please spare me the remarks about him doing it because he knows the Supreme Court will overturn it later.
    First, even if the Supreme Court decides to hear the cases, that will be at least a couple years down the road..."

    And "a couple of years down the road" we could have a completely reversed Supreme Court that will uphold the ban. Wouldn't it be smarter to not give the liberals anything to work with?
    And will the GOPe even allow a pro-2A candidate on the ballot?
    Remember, even Governor Ronnie Ray-gun signed the Mulford Act and President Ray-gun signed the "Firearm Owner's 'Protection' Act".
    I remember one RINO asking "Where else are the gun owners going to go?"
    My answer is "Don't count on us going at all."

  10. Trump was anti 2nd amendment until his sons took him aside and convinced him of just what a big deal the whole thing is. And it took some doing, on their part to get him to come around. When he did come around, I don't know just how solid his backing of our gun rights was, but at least he was better than anyone else. Enough that I was able to vote for him twice.
    I live in Michigan, a swing state. So knowing just how important our votes are, I didn't feel like I could vote my conscience and cast my ballot for a third party candidate. Especially with first Hillary running and then with Biden running. With Hillary running, it was expected to be a massacre, and when it was not, the Democrats took a close look and made certain that it would not be left up to chance again, pulling out all of the crooked stops, and making damn sure that Biden would win, along with people like the Empress of Lansing, Gretchen Whitless, taking it all, with the rest of the Democrats taking over the entire government, allowing them to pass the criminal gun laws that we will now have to fight all the way up to the US Supreme Court, since our own Supreme Court is a liberal one.
    I do not place much faith in our voting system now, but will give it one more shot, to see if it is fair and honest. If we see the same results again, then we can tell that the Democrats have made it impossible for anyone other than themselves to win, and we will have to abandon voting and come up with another method of installing legal leaders for our nation. I hope it never comes to that.

  11. The Supreme Court is a paper tiger. It only has power if people have respect for it's opinions. Since politicians in blue States have no such respect, the people must show them the same disrespect by disregarding their Unconstitutional laws. We have the right to do so, IF we have the balls.


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