
Friday, May 12, 2023

US Air Force Ran A Social Experiment To Graduate More Minority Pilots. It Didn’t Go As Planned

The U.S. Air Force abandoned an experiment aimed at boosting pilot training graduation rates for women and minority pilots after the 2021 initiative failed to achieve the intended results and officers privately warned it could violate anti-discrimination policies, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.


  1. Just another reason why I don’t fly when DIE is in the cockpit…… even to the point of turning around and canceling my flight…..

  2. I guess the experiment Crashed & Burned

  3. Was it a “pilot program”

  4. For what it's worth, Major General Phillip A. Stewart the Commander of the 19th Air Force Command, was Relieved of his Command on Tuesday, "due to a loss of confidence in his ability to lead, related to alleged misconduct which is currently under investigation," I don't know if it's related to this, but it could be. Maybe that misconduct has something to do with the verbal order.

  5. Sorry, I forgot to include the link;

    1. “….alleged misconduct….”….telling the truth….????
      I was 9 years in when “Tailhook” hit….
      it really screwed up Naval Aviation….
      and I was in land based aircraft….
      I can imagine surface and submarine forces….
      got their share of scrutiny.


  6. Jeez, so we won't get La'queenshita twerking her fat, nasty, smelly ass on a wing of a F-15 Eagle or Tra'vonpieceofshit smoking a blunt in the cockpit......

  7. So you are on a plane waiting for the flight. The pilot, copilot and navigator get on. All three appear to be black transgenders. What do you get?

  8. Maybe the White House staffers who came up with that idea watched "The Tuskegee Airmen" and "Red Tails" one time too often--but more along the lines of "A Clockwork Orange" where they forced them to watch it until it brainwashed them.

  9. I identify as a general, not the private you make me....

  10. Aim kinda high, yo!

  11. Sheeeeiiitttt!!! We wuz top gunz!!! Check dis F-16, I put spinners on the landing gear! Next is a cup holder for my Henny!

    This honestly sounds like a 90s comedy movie come to life.


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