
Friday, May 12, 2023

At least he learned something

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — An Elk Grove father said he is thankful to be alive after his Tesla caught fire Saturday while he was driving.


Malla said he was working with his insurance company but did not plan to buy another electric vehicle in the future following his experience.


  1. “The batteries are what are causing the enormous amount of heat buildup" according to the article. You don't need to be an einstein to come up with a solution: A water jacket around the battery, a water pump to circulate the water and a radiator with a belt driven fan to cool the water..

    1. Respectfully I disagree. Lithium batteries can go into thermal runaway faster than any ability to move heat with water. In addition water only fuels the fire when it happens. Again I mean no disrespect, only stating facts as I understand them.
      Incredible amounts of heat faster than most can imagine, water would become steam almost instantly.

      Steve in KY

    2. Those things will burn *under* water. You can cool the suroundings, but you can't put it out with water. If you *could*, then you'd still need a bigger battery to carry all that extra water etc. The batteries in these cars already make them heavier than old HumVs, which makes them get very bad mileage.

    3. You could always use the steam to drive the cehicle... sarc


  2. I read about the police department that's going all Tesla for their patrol cars. I wonder how long it will be before they immolate a prisoner in the back.

    1. Not very long at all.

      Steve in KY

    2. That might be considered a feature, not a bug.

  3. Just don’t buy one of the turd cars and you don’t have to worry about fires. And don’t believe the bs about them being less succeptible to fires than hybrids or gas

  4. Did anyone catch the bit at the end, where they compare the numbers of car fire? Anyone catch that they measured it in dollars worth of vehicles sold? So 20 teslas vs 80 traditional vehicles to get that 100k, and only half as many fires? How about considering that there are almost no Teslas out there with half the number of miles on the average car. I'd be curious as to the number of fires per vehicle.

    1. "I'd be curious as to the number of fires per vehicle."
      For EVs, it's only one fire per vehicle.

  5. Won’t be buying an EV in the future? He forget he lives in Commiefornia where it will be required, comrade?

  6. Before or after they park it on a railroad crossing?

    1. If the trains switch to electric, it might not make it to the scene of the crash.
      Speaking of fast, what's the fastest plane in the world? The Piper Cub. They can get to the scene of the crash hours ahead of anyone.

  7. I wonder how long until Newsom starts coming for people who say they don't want an electric car.


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