
Friday, May 12, 2023

VDH - How California Destroyed its Middle Class (A Cautionary Tale)

Victor Davis Hanson explains how the middle class in California is struggling due to high taxes and heavy regulations that fall heavily on small business owners. As a result, many are leaving the state, causing the middle class to shrink and leaving California with the highest number of homeless people and welfare recipients in the US.

VIDEO HERE  (12:02 minutes)


  1. Kali is just ahead of them curve. The entire middle class in America is on the chopping block and will be destroyed in the very near future. The criminals in power are seeking a return to a feudal type society where less than 1% wield all the power an the rest of the populace are defacto slaves. And the way things are going it appears they are succeeding.

    1. yeah, I kind of always thought that was what they had in mind. after all what good is it being rich if others have the same things that you do ?
      the problem that I see for them is going to be dealing all of the have not's . like the "brothers" who want everything right now and are more than willing to kill you to get it. BTW, my uncles that used to live in that sate left back in the 1980's as they said it was getting stupid back then even. dave in pa.

  2. 99% of Humans are emotional driven instant gratification creatures, i.e., peasants, The 1% are the Critical Thinking control freaks who manipulate the 99%, i.e. the monarchy. The America I grew up in in the 50s was an anomaly created by a middle-class social experiment that was destined to self-destruct due to human nature.

  3. I don't know how he keeps himself from breaking down into a big dignified heap of sobbing university professor when he talks about how California used to be. I mean, yes, guys are better at being stoic or sarcastic about it, but, truly, it's been rolling downhill pretty fast since about 1980, but we've dropped off a cliff since the turn of the millennium.

    From paradise to one of the hell realms... and probably not even the deepest one yet. Just give Governor Grease Slick and his slippery minions another couple years and we'll be begging for the super volcano or some fat nukes to come pluck us from our misery.

  4. WestcoastDeplorableMay 12, 2023 at 9:27 PM

    VDH is a national treasure. He should be covered much wider because his thinking and writing are what we need to confront this horrible monster.

  5. I baled over two years ago and I'm so glad I did. One of my brothers and sister couldn't figure it out...they are still there, and I haven't heard from them.....hahaha

  6. Kalifornia is 32 billion dollars in debt now. Following the Nation's lead I suppose. This should be a real boost to the economy when they give out millions to black folks as reparations. I suppose that they figure they'll get a lot of it back in lottery ticket sales and menthol cigarette taxes.


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