
Friday, May 12, 2023

Robert Kennedy’s Movement

Up until a week ago, the 2024 presidential election campaign was by and large an uninteresting slog. The arrest of President Trump had shown some promise of injecting life into the race, but just a few short weeks later it is all but forgotten. Events that used to carry great significance which would be etched into the public memory for decades—like the investigation, prosecution, or impeachment of a president—have now been reduced to farcical shadow-play, gone in a moment. To generate lasting outrage or even attention, a story needs some element of surprise or departure from normalcy. But the new norm in politics is to destroy all norms. And since mainstream press catastrophizing has been dialed up to 11 since at least 2016, it rings hollower with every passing cycle. To anyone who has been paying attention, not even the most breathless histrionics on the part of professional observers makes a mark.


  1. I've never voted for a Democrat for president. I'd vote for this Kennedy. If this plays out, I'd swap part affiliation just to vote for him in the primaries.

    1. He has voted lock step with the democrat socialists. Really?


  3. The Kennedy clan has make a mark all right. They are the skid marks in the underwear of this country!

  4. I like the guy, and his moxy to fight the swamp..... but his stand on firearms makes him a non-starter. In a society collapsing into tyranny, your means to defend yourself is the *only* thing that matters.

  5. I can't think of anything bad that ever happened from a Kennedy running for president and trying to upset the status quo. Should be fine.

    1. JFK was an idiot. He let Cuba, a country with substantial US ties, get overrun by Communists a scant 90 miles from Florida and on an island that could easily be surrounded by the USN and aided by the RCN (it was fairly substantial back then--even had an aircraft carrier). But in the calculus of his drug-addled mind it made more sense to fling Americans almost 8000 miles from Los Angeles to a country that shares a border with China (a country renowned for producing Soviet weaponry and armaments) and no American had ever heard of prior to the war (note: the geography books those young American men read in school called that country "French Indo-China")

    2. Castro took control of Cuba during the Eisenhauer administration, before JFK took office.....

  6. WestcoastDeplorableMay 12, 2023 at 8:48 PM

    I took the time to read his book "The real Anthony Fauci" from cover to cover, no speed reading, and going back for extra comprehension when necessary. This guy is the real deal and knows a ton about Big Pharma and how the whole hoax of Covid was played on us.
    That being said, I don't know if I could vote for him in the general, but I might vote for him in the Primary if Trump has it locked. I don't see any other real alternative than Trump. So long as he goes on a firing rampage his first 5 or 6 months in office. He needs to learn to better vet people who he appoints and who could hurt him. He needs to appoint people outside the beltway.

  7. I still say the only Kennedy I'd vote for for President is John Kennedy from Louisiana!

  8. The establishment seems terrified of him so I'd expect their response to be no less nuclear than their response to Trump if he keeps gaining traction. I will say that his stance on things like vaccines is WAY more sane and reasonable than any policy that Donald (Warp Speed) Trump has ever had.


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