
Friday, May 12, 2023

Your Friday Political Memes






















  1. Replies
    1. In spades...

    2. Voir dire at Daniel Penny trial in NYC: prosecutor asks prospective juror, “Did you vote democrat?” “Yes.” “OK, you’re SELECTED for jury duty.”

    3. Unov of Saigon 68May 12, 2023 at 5:51 PM

      I hope this guy starts a GoFundMe (or, more realistically, a GiveSendGo). I will contribute.

    4. There is a GiveSendGo set up for him by his attorneys.

      I was there earlier this morning and I swear it was at 33 thousand, now I'm seeing it's at $550,000!!!

    5. $775K this morning!!!!!

  2. Not your best. Maybe 10 is a better number....

    1. Nobody's twisting your arm to be here if you don't like what you see.
      I don't make the memes, I just collect what's out there.

    2. There's always gotta be ONE.... Ignore Ken, carry on!

    3. That's really odd... I thought today's selections were a superior batch! Probably not so funny to liberals, though. Right, anon1514?

    4. Anon @3:14 - The ice cream is free. Nobody gives a shit if you are lactose intolerant.

    5. Seriously? That’s bullshit, Kenny.

    6. RosalindJ - At least once a day and 2-3 emails a week. I'm surprised I'm not getting hate mail at my PO box.

    7. I always try and not comment as anonymous. It takes me a couple of seconds to actually fill out the edit part and put my handle in, then hit continue. But while I use a pen name to protect mostly my family, I have said before that if someone really wanted to know, I would tell them my name and home address. Not for any type of retaliation, but just so they know that I am a real person, with a real home, and not hiding behind my nickname.
      That and the fact that my street name is truly Patriot Lane. I have lived here for over 25 years, so it was mere coincidence, and not done as a protest, it just turned out that way.
      As for jury duty, I was on jury duty only once. I got as far as being questioned, in a case of a black man who was accused of taking the credit card of a man who was in the hospital, and using it to run up over 2K $ worth of goods.
      During the lunch break, a lot of the prospective jurors said that if he was not guilty then the cops would not have arrested him. In session, I was asked if I could remain unbiased. I answered of course I could. The man on trial's lawyer kicked me out, and there was no possible rebuff by the prosecutor.
      I was kicked off the possible jury, the one white guy who would have given the man a fair and impartial trial, while the less educated people who were ready to string the guy up were kept on due to the fact that they were less educated and more susceptible to being swayed by the lawyers.
      It appeared that both sides had unlimited numbers of amounts of jurors that they could disqualify, for no reason at all. I actually did complain about this to the person in charge of the holding room, or as I liked to call it at the time, the bull pen. She knew what I was talking about, and even agreed with me, but said that there was nothing to be done about it, since that was the way that both sides wanted it. I said that it did not seem fair to the person on trial. She said that in the end, the ones with the smarter lawyers made out better than those whose lawyers were new or just appointed by the state.

    8. If it's any consolation, I've noticed a general lack of energy and crabbier outlook than normal over the past month or so. I'm feeling it, too, but I thought it was just my general state of things to worry about and get done despite my hatred for them, but... nope. It's not just me. Stuff's piling on... everyone on this planet.

      So I'm going to make it a point to write you more love letters. I know your darling wife will not mind. xoxoxox

    9. Ken, I’m sorry but I don’t recognize the guy in #19. Your blog is the highlight of my day, which might tell you something about my life.

    10. My husband turned me onto your blog forever ago and we tune in daily!
      Thanks for making our day, every “week”day!!

    11. Thank y'all for stopping by!

    12. Pigpen51-
      Interesting. I have a friend whose driveway is right across the road from a Patriot Lane in a quaint rural neighborhood in the South.

      That 'crabbier outlook' might be directly attributed to the state you live in and the Brylcreem Boy running it. I feel your pain.

    13. Yeah, Grease Slick is a major downer, but even up here, way out of the metropolitan areas, the civilizational rot is getting pretty bad. Every time I have to get nearer to the cities, it's SO demoralizing it ends up making me yell.

    14. Hey, Ken, 1, 5, 10, 20 or 100, I'll still stop everyday to look and laugh!

    15. My first blog (and somedays, the only blog) I visit every day. Sometimes even Sunday because I lose track of the days... Keep up the good work. I have been visiting here so long I don't remember how long ago it happened.

    16. I don't know, but when we met several years ago, you told me then you'd been reading me for a couple years then.

    17. Well...what do you have to offer ? Put up,or shutup!

  3. By the time I got to #20 I was still laughing at #11.

    P.S. #13 wasn't as funny as it was the truth.

  4. I'll take all the comic relief I can get, from this absolute shit-show of a country the progressives are ruining.
    # 4 - Hahahah.
    #5 and #6 - Damn straight!
    Okay, #9 - I really don't need to ever see this skanky twit's photo, ever. He's replaced Hillary as my #1 person in that respect.

    Must be time for FFFF.
    - Mr. Mayo

  5. Give 'em hell, Kenny!
    The first Anonymous is the kind of person about whom my late father used to say "He'd bitch about a job in a pie factory".
    --Tennessee Budd

  6. On board with the point being made, but come on, a preborn turtle? A preborn eagle? They are eggs.

  7. 17) Did you ever notice that sea turtles are just about the worst parents in nature. The females come ashore, lay their eggs, and take off! Good luck kiddos! Did you know that the males never go on land again if they survive that initial run for the ocean? I was down at the beach last year during turtle nesting season and there was this female swimming around looking for a place to come ashore to lay eggs. People gathered watching and I said "don't mind her, she's just looking for a place to abandon her kids". People were looking at me like I'm this monster. No sense of humor at all. The thing about this blog is I can sometimes comment my weird point of view.

  8. You are quite the carpenter, you nailed all of them to the wall....

  9. "At least once a day and 2-3 emails a week".
    Hey man... since youre already inundated with them, does this mean i get to be one too.?
    no really, id be a good asshole. promise.

  10. In the beginning they only wanted to control the carbon in the atmosphere. Now they demand to control and be paid to manage the building block of the solar system.


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