
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

New Jersey Politicians Enact Largest Gun Ban in U.S. History

When Governor Murphy and the New Jersey Democrats rushed a flurry of gun laws through the legislature last June of 2022, one of the laws rammed through was under the guise of banning guns with no serial numbers. 

This law banned millions of rifles, shotguns, handguns, hunting guns, target shooting guns, military surplus guns, and virtually ALL muzzleloaders, black powder guns, antique guns, air guns and BB guns.


  1. Shall not be infringed......and if it is, shoot the bastards. Even I understood it.....

    Stefan v.

    1. I second your motion!!!!

    2. **FBI has entered the chat**

      I third your motion. Now let's quit being pussy keyboard warriors talking shit anonymously over the internet and actually do something.

  2. Some people just don't understand...

  3. I think Neu Jersey just bit off more than they can chew.

  4. You can bet the Newark, Trenton, Camden, Paterson and Passaic bros will be scurrying own to the local cop shop to turn the illegal pieces in.

  5. Its the next step in totalitarian regime installation. Make the owners of ANY weapon a criminal.

  6. Irish Democracy…practice it!

  7. The mob will still have all the guns they want.

  8. New Jersey . . . say no more. Pity the residents who have no means to GTFOD.

  9. Boycott everything coming out of NJ.

    1. I don't know of anything that comes out of New Jersey. What do they make there? Anything?

    2. They produce most of the world's supply of eggplants...

    3. Yahoo and Orangiana comes to mind. And a whole lotta Bud, Bud Light in Newark.

    4. Archibald BarasolJune 1, 2023 at 7:50 PM

      Henry rifles from Bayonne. Too good boycot

  10. It’s all those years of chemical refining all over New Jersey. It’s rotted all their brains.

  11. It's a reasonable totalitarian strategy. Ignore the supreme court and make the process the punishment. Even if someone gets a conviction or the law overturned, it'll probably cost the person north of a million dollars. In the mean time, law abiding citizens will disarm and the fascists have that much power until the Supreme Court steps in.

    1. It kinda reminds me of when Southern Democrats tried for twenty years to ignore Brown v. Board of Education.

  12. 2) Under N.J.S. 2C:39-9 k. & n. purchase, transport, shipping, selling, or disposing of a banned firearm is a crime of the Second Degree which carries a maximum of ten (10) years in State Prison and a $150,000 fine.

    So, what are you supposed to do with the guns you own if it is illegal to even dispose of it?

    Stupid beyond belief

    1. You're supposed to call the cops on yourself and go to prison. Or to plead with your rulers for an exemption from the law. Do I have to quote _Atlas Shrugged_ again?

      Did they remember to exempt law-enforcement from this law? It would be fun to see a Soros DA prosecuting the cops who picked up and disposed of the banned gun.


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