
Thursday, May 11, 2023

'Not a Good Number': CNN Reports on Bad Polling Numbers for Biden

On CNN's State of the Union, host Jake Tapper continued the widespread panic in liberal media circles over disastrous poll numbers released by ABC News & the Washington Post showing Biden losing to former President Donald Trump as well as only 32 percent of voters believing Biden has the "mental sharpness" to be President. That latter point stunned Tapper who subsequently shared the news with his panelists.


  1. His polling numbers or any democrat running do not make a difference. Just like Maricopa county controlling AZ with fraud elections, so does every city in every state. I dont know why polls are even mentioned. I guess it is like the arm chair quarterbacks talking on saturday morning.

  2. Polls are irrelevant when your side completely controls the voting machinery.

    1. That idiot couldn't run an lemonade stand. That goes for turdoo as well.

      Chute Magoo

  3. Trump ate cnn's ass at the town hall meeting in NH. The crowd loved him. Lot of lefters on twitter all upset that their side looked like the shit that they are. But, but they gonna fact check. Translation, we will twist every thing around, make up lies in an attempt to smooth over the damage done to the socialist party.

    1. That'll be fine, because only Biden voters trust CNN and only Biden voters watch CNN.

      Which means CNN contributors and viewers alike are both group thinkers without an original thought in their collective heads. They will twist their 'facts' to match their overlords' narrative.

      Caitlyn Collins was completely pathetic last night. "But what about your claims of voter fraud?" "Will you accept the results of the 2024 election?" "What about your support of the insurrection at the Capitol January 6th?"

  4. "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."

    J. Stalin

  5. WestcoastDeplorableMay 11, 2023 at 8:38 PM

    My Dad always drove me to always consider the bright side if the dark side got too ugly. Right about the now, I'd say the bright side of this is what Trump said about accepting results of the election. Probably the majority who voted for him last time have about had enough of all the lies, thievery, treason, and downright Satanic intent. These libs really don't care if you live or die and prefer the latter.
    This is an excellent example of good fighting evil, and Joe Biden is about as close as I want to ever come to the devil himself. This isn't an election, he must be driven out. Since 8 other Bidens need to swing, let's erect the gallows on the Capitol Steps, and gather all those who told us the jab was "safe and effective" and made us take it or lose our jobs. They need to swing as well. And don't forget the C-suite execs of all the Pharma companies involved. Sure, I'd give them a trial, but with all the evidence publicly available.

    1. Like a flash mob. Twenty or so persons walk to the Captol. Some carrying boards (cut to length, pre-drilled), others carrying bolts, others still carrying battery powered tools and ropes. At T time, meet assemble at the steps. Others will stand off at various angles to record all (either to the cloud or without bluetooth or internet connection).

      Then disappear, leaving intact the monument to Congress.


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