
Thursday, May 04, 2023

SCOTUS Grants Review of Case That Will Gut the Federal Bureaucracy

In the biggest news to come out of the Supreme Court of the United States since Roe v. Wade was overturned, the Court has granted a review of Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimondo. In its deliberations, the court will deal with the question of whether to overrule the infamous Chevron Doctrine, a ’70s-era precedent that granted broad powers to the bureaucratic state to interpret vague, often narrow statutes with near zero accountability.


  1. This is perhaps the most important ruling since Marlbury v. Madison, in my mind. It has the potential to change the direction of the country back to it's original founders intent. Stay tuned.

  2. Things like getting a phone tap on the personal attorney of a sitting and running president?
    Just wondering if it is not already too late for that.

  3. I am not going to hold my breath on this going the way it is hoped for. Overturning Roe vs Wade didn't pose a threat to the deep state. Overturning Chevron would pose a threat to the deep state, and they won't allow it to happen.

  4. Like, oh, the ATF as one example. I like where this is going.

  5. If scotus would not hear Texas versus Pennsylvania in 2020. A clear constitutional case for which they were designed by the founders. I have no confidence in them restricting the out of control Federal bureaucracy in this case.

  6. In the words of the late great Waylon Jennings "I'll believe when I see it but I still ain't seen it yet - don't mind me just keep on talking I'm just looking for my hat"

  7. Fingers crossed

  8. I get a hoot out of people that think we're going to get out of this mess peacefully (like through voting).
    The folks doing this stuff, have already committed treasonous acts punishible by death. If caught, they're fucked. Ergo, they will not ever back down. Backing down means jail for life or the electric chair. How big of a lie would you tell to avoid the chair? You think they're just going to let the SCOTUS touch something like this? Without an ace in the hole? You're fucking stupid...

    1. Anonymous May 4, 2023 at 4:06 PM

      "How big of a lie would you tell to avoid the chair?"

      Only the least dishonest thing I could think of. At the time.

      *I*, sir, am a Patriot(TM)!

    2. But Look Patriot We Just Need To VOOOOOOOOT MOAR HRRRRDRRRRRRR And We’ll Beat Those DemonKKKRAPS!!!

  9. This case is the reason the Dems are 1) threatening to stop funds for Supreme Court protection. 2) Want to establish an "Ethics Board" to oversee the Supreme Court. Of course the Ethics Board will investigate only Constitutionalist.

  10. With Roberts, don’t hold your breath. Do an internet search on Roberts and issues with the adoption papers for his kids.

    1. Yeah, I wouldn’t trust Roberts as far as I could throw Lizzo.

  11. roberts likes to cuddle with obama. When push comes to shove, obama gets his way. Even when it has to do with judicial stuff.


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