
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Stories from the Great Depression

 The National Archives Southeast Region presents stories from survivors of the Great Depression overlaid with powerful pictures from era.

VIDEO HERE  (27:46 minutes)


  1. When I was growing up I heard plenty of the depression stories from my dad who was born 1916 and mother born 1918. My father's dad was a fireman and my mother's a mailman so both families got alone despite salary cuts.

  2. My father grew up during the depression. One day we walked an area of land and he told me about plowing a field with a mule, he made 10 cents a day, and his father kept 7 cents. Cornbread and molasses was his main diet.

    1. The Southern Diet post Civil War. It's the reason that fortified bread came into existence, fortified with Riboflavin. Seems cornbread and molasses as a main staple causes a low-level malnutrition and contributes to a type of wasting disease. It's why the depression affected Southerners so badly.

    2. My maternal grandfather’s family sold their land in the Smokies and all moved down to the valley of the Little Tennessee to work in a textile mill in 1926. Papaw was 10. When the Crash of ‘29 hit, the factory closed and the bank with the money from the sale of the home place failed. Papaw’s parents ended up as sharecroppers for the rest of their lives

  3. My dad was born in 1921 and my mother in 1925. In many ways I grew up with the affect it had on them. Save everything decent. Waste nothing. Even though they didn’t talk about it, you could tell. After we were married for a while, my wife had no words when I got out my kit and started darning socks… she still stuck with me 30 years as of Monday.

    1. Good for you two brother! 26 and counting. Lord knows it ain't easy, for either side.

  4. Private central bank . Every. Single. Time.

    Chutes Magoo

  5. Comments are turned off. Too bad, sometimes they are the best part.


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