
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

The Dog Whistle of ‘Christian Nationalism’

Since Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 election, a rash of articles, surveys, and books have claimed that many—maybe even most—Americans in flyover country are “Christian nationalists.” That’s supposed to sound scary. But the term is mostly used as a smear against conservative Christians who defend the role of religion in American public life.


  1. If it was originally intended as a smear, then Christians have already done what they did with the term "Christian." I.E. Own it, and turn it into a damned good thing. I doubt that it was originally a smear though.

    Contrast the "people of color" insisting that everything anyone calls them is a slur, and loudly claiming they're victims. It's been going on for almost a hundred years, dude, own it and STFU.

    -John G

  2. And what's wrong with Christian Nationalism? It's what founded this country after all.


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