
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Subway chokehold victim Jordan Neely was 'self medicating' with K2 before his death, uncle claims

Jordan Neely was self-medicating with K2 to treat his depression in the wake of his mother's passing when he was choked to death on a New York City subway, his uncle claimed as he called on officials to make an arrest.


I hate that expression, 'self medicating'. Call it what it is - he was high, plain and simple.


  1. what is K2 ? well, doesn't matter anyway. this is a well run drill by now. oh, he was a good boy. and whatever other bullshit we going to hear.
    just once, I would like to hear a dad honest about his worthless drugged/ stealing kid.
    and say yeah, it better now that shit bird is dead. dave in pa.

    1. K2 is "spice" a synthetic pot.

    2. Thanks, I was wondering how you could get high on that as I took some this morning, but my k2 was this one;

    3. It's also known as zombie drug. It's what caused that spate of people actually eating or attempting to eat other people back in the 2000's. K2, Spice, whatever, will fuck you up bigtime.

  2. Dat monkey was juiced to the max!

  3. He wasn't choked to death, anyway, good riddance.....

  4. WestcoastDeplorableMay 9, 2023 at 2:07 PM

    They should be giving that Marine a medal instead of threatening to indict him. He did subway riders a favor.

    1. You bet! I take the NYC subways regularly, and the trains are full of 5he se shitbeast, usually begging for money, but occasionally getting violent, picking fights, and/or robbing somebody.

  5. Right...he wasn't 'choked to death'. He died later at a hospital. I wanna know what he died of. Drugs? Medical condition? Nobody's asking yet.

    1. Autopsy results are being withheld to preserve the narrative.

      I wonder where they'll put up his statue? Central Park, maybe?

  6. He's doing one hell of an impersonation of Michael Jackson now.

    Col. Angus

  7. Whatever you call it, it worked. He ain't depressed anymore.

    1. Gomer is though. He is gonna do a good 20 years.


  8. Why do you not like "self medicating"? Do you think we should only use "medications" approved by the government and prescribed by government-approved "professionals" licensed by the government to do so?

    1. Don't put words in my mouth. I never said a word about the government. The reason I hate that word is because it's something the Left uses to describe what a fucking dope fiend does.
      I spent a few years working with the homeless in California and that's where I first heard the expression. It's funny how damned near everybody that 'self medicates' is a full blown drug addict, not some guy that takes a small dose as needed to control pain.

    2. And the other phrase I hate is 'accidental overdose.' Nope, stupid asshole was chasing the edge and went over it, so call it like it is. Suicide. And quite narcaning the selfish pieces of shit after the first save.

    3. Suicide is intentional and your example is not intentionally seeking death. Logic fail.

    4. Self inflicted. He didn't take the stuff by mistake, it wasn't forced on him by the CIA. Okay, maybe it was, but they will deny it.

  9. A tragic story of yet another clean cut all American kid full off hopes and dreams cut down in his prime (as long as you ignore his rap sheet for a ton of crimes incl. multiple assaults and at least one attempted kidnapping w/ intent to commit rape on a young girl.)
    Yep, just like the late George Floyd, this f##ker was a real stand up kinda guy.


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