
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

The shit I posted on Facebook






















  1. #6 is actually really good with sweet pickles

    1. I use kosher Gherkins or baby dills. They are better than they sound or look. Smoked salmon instead of pastrami is good too.

    2. I've always eaten cream cheese rolled up in Salami. I keep wanting to try the pickle thing.

    3. Hard salami, cream cheese, and gherkins or bsby dills.

    4. Oh my goodness, I have no words. That the weirdest thing ever.

  2. #1 Maybe they smell the last dog that was there?

  3. #6 local deli makes pickle hoagies, among a lot of other stuff on a pickle. Check the site.

    1. Too funny! I'm over in here Collegeville and have heard about those guys guys for a couple years. I would love to try one. For those that don't know, they use a pickle for a roll.

  4. Is #10 true? I've heard the one about non-poison has rounded head, poison has sharp triangle shaped head. Never heard about checking it butt-hole scale plate.

    1. Don't know, don't care. I've got no reason to be close to any snake, poisonous or not.

    2. Pete Buttigieg says the tatic worked perfectly when he ran up against Snake Plissken.

    3. Poisonous snakes in the foothills of NC are all pit vipers, they have bar eyes instead of round eyes, their heads are more triangular, and they are normally much thicker through the body, we have copperheads, several different rattlesnakes, and water moccasins.

    4. But did you check their hind-end?

    5. Don't care about what brand it is. I see it, it's fucking dead.

    6. In the US, there are only 4 kinds of poisonous snakes: Rattlesnake, Copperhead, Coral Snake, and Water Moccasin. If you learn to identify those, you should be fine in your next trek in the woods. Also, the Florida Everglades is overrun with Burmese Pythons, and although non-poisonous, can kill you if it wraps itself around you. If you must walk in poisonous snake country, it is advised to wear knee-high boots in case you accidentally step on one or otherwise startle it.

    7. A lot of funny ones here but #2 is my favorite.I can relate to it every time I go to Wal-Mart - freakin' Wal Martians !

      Consider yourself lucky if you don't reside in Australia. Not only are a lot of the snakes poisonous, but also have a lot of other poisonous / venemous creatures as well. Ridiculously poisonous.

    8. I use Tuff Shins Snake Leggings when weed eating and just in case I scare a snake when weed eating. Otherwise I grab the snake and look it in the eye. If it is a slit it is poisonous. If it is round it is poisonous. So I have to kill it. Unless it is a rat snake, then it gets to play through.

  5. #1 'Mommy what's that smell?"

  6. #4 When my wife says "So", I think "O crap, what now."

  7. Here in Michigan, we only have the Massasauga rattlesnake. They are endangered here, so you are not supposed to kill them. In all of my nearly 63 years, I have only seen 2 of them, and they were both pretty tiny. But I left them alone and left the area, rather quickly I might add.
    The one snake here that I hate is the blue racer. I had an aggressive one about 5-6 feet long actually run after me when I almost hit him with the riding lawn mower. I was going into the house to get the shotgun, and he/she was following along, speeding up the faster I moved the faster that thing moved. It stopped when I hit the gravel driveway, and I could not find it when I got back outside.
    I no longer try to kill even snakes that I don't like, because they are just trying to make a living like the rest of us. As long as they don't pose a threat to anything desirable, no problem. Kill chickens or cats or such, they will lose. But in Michigan, poisonous snakes are not a very big problem.
    Spiders on the other hand, are. My wife got bit by a brown recluse a couple of weeks back, while we were cleaning out our storage unit. I got tired of paying somewhere around 70$ a month for storage of things I don't even need. The thing got her on the leg, and I quickly cleaned it with some anti biotic spray and then with some alcohol wipes, then covered it with a triple antibiotic ointment and a loose dressing. I kept an eye on it for a few days and it had healed ok. That might not be the best treatment for it, from what I later read online, but it worked, so online people can suck it. She did have two bloody marks on her leg, which were shocking to me. But the last time she got bit by one, the tissue turned necrotic and left a ring about the size of a quarter of sort of nasty flesh, that didn't really die, but was not healthy for a long time.

  8. #1-
    If bogsidebunny were a dog.

  9. In 1988 I was cutting my hill out back. There was a bad drought that year. I live in Huntington,WV.
    A copperhead got me on my calf. Stung like yellowjackets were on me, which had happened before. It didn't stop stinging. Went down the hill and ask my wife what this two holes in my calf looked like. She said you have been snakebit. I'm taking you to the hospital. Well, I got in the car and she said get out from under the wheel she was driving. We lived about 15 minutes from the hospital. We took off and she said do you care if I stop and get a pack of smokes at the drug store. I said go a head. She said she was a little thirsty did I mind if she ran thru McDonalds for a coke. I said yeah that ok. Well, anyway I made it and lived. I have told that story a hundred times. Some of its true. Especially the bite.

    1. A friend's wife died from a copperhead bite. She was doing yard work and it bit her on the finger. She went to the hospital and spent the night. They sent her home the next day. Not clear on the true cause - at first they said she died due to a reaction (blood clot) to the anti-venom, but then they said natural causes.

      Several years ago, I went on a bicycle tour and met a woman that had been bit on the foot by a copperhead the week before. She hadn't been able to put her cycling shoes on for a week.

    2. Loving wife like that is hard to find, especially after they get lost. cute story though.

  10. To Anonymous at 6:20 pm. In reality, residents of Australia face little more danger from poisonous creatures than inhabitants in other lands. However, if you’re a cute young and single female tourist, that danger becomes manifold, especially if a single young Aussie male thinks that he’s in with a chance if he offers guidance and protection.

  11. I never kill snakes, they get rid of rodents. Also, I've never been chased by a rattle snake either...Australia has lots of poisonous snakes, the brown snake will come after you, nasty little bugger...


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