
Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Wait - I thought NYC was a sanctuary city...

NEW YORK CITY - As New York City prepares for a surge of asylum seekers once Title 42 is lifted on May 11th, Mayor Eric Adams is pleading with the federal government to step in and stop the flow of migrants into the Big Apple.


Allow me to say it first: HAHAHAHAHA!!!


  1. NYC is a sanctuary city as long as someone else is paying for it.

  2. Virtue signaling now has a real cost but these dipwads can't admit they were wrong and start cooperating with La Migra and deporting all the illegals. At this point EVERY bus to New York City and flight to Martha's Vineyard should be 100% full of wetbacks until the islands tip over (thank you Hank Johnson).

    The bigger question is Cui Bono? Who benefits from having a large pool of workers who would rather be paid under the table?

  3. Reminds me of a friend's very liberal sister, all about supporting the homeless in her city. Until one day they wanted to put a convenience store in the storefront under her apartment, then suddenly she led the protest since it might attract "that type" of people to hang around.

  4. yeah, kind of funny how that shit works out. almost like the assholes at the vineyard when
    they shipped them out of there inside of what 48 hours ?
    I think we should be send them BACK, not to some left wing city. but it is showing the rest of the country how full of shit these assholes are. and they are fucking assholes too.
    the whole "not in my backyard" crap is enough to make a person puke. dave in pa.

  5. I second that emotion. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA

  6. 36,000???
    Are you KIDDING me?!?!?
    Come on down here to Southern Arizona! 36,000 is a MONTHLY number.
    Arizonas population has nearly DOUBLED, from 4.1 to 7.3 million, in the last 30 years.
    Those aren't all Californian ex-pats and we haven't had a baby-boom.

    1. That baby boom has started, creating anchor-babies as fast as possible.

  7. Those 'migrants' don't play White guilt, either.

  8. Soon-to-be-Ex-Mayor 'Beetlejuice' Lightfoot of ChiCongo is also begging Texas Governor Greg Abbott to stop busing illegals to the city.

  9. DeSantis just got another 12 mil to send more to Dem city's

  10. The sad part is that the only thing that matters is how quickly they can become a parent of a U.S. citizen. Once they do that there's no administration that could break up ten thousand plus families by deporting the illegal parents.

    The democrats are playing the long game...


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