
Wednesday, May 03, 2023

$400 Million Tax Cut Bill Includes Tennessee Grocery Tax Holiday, Tax Cuts for Small Businesses

According to the Tennessee Department of Revenue (TDOR), the state will soon begin implementing a $400 million tax cut law recently passed by the Tennessee General Assembly.


  1. Four comments to the Tennessee Star article and all four are critical. Those four commenters should try living in California and see what the state does with their tax dollars. Then maybe they'll have a little appreciation for what they've got.

  2. It's been shown that reducing taxes and the tax burden actually increases tax revenues, because more people spend more money and the smaller taxes collected add up. A revenue fact that's been known for a very long time, but economics isn't sexy, so...

  3. It's a distraction to make people feel good while they bury the Nashville school shooter's manefesto.

    1. MNPD claimed they couldn't release the manifesto because "ongoing investigation."
      TFA and others sued to have the materials released.
      Now MNPD claims they can't release the manifesto because "ongoing litigation."

  4. This is the way it should be done,

    Don't tax people, and then give it back to buy votes.

    It's better to not collect it in the first place and thus avoid the bureaucracy taking a cut.

  5. wonder it they plan on cutting back the fuel taxes that the Republican majority and Beth Harwell ramrodded thru a few years ago ...

  6. 17 years ago I gave my 20 year old business the biggest tax break possible.
    I took it off the books, nothing but pure cash.
    Immediately I found out that I can work half as hard for half the money but still take home the same amount of pay. Just cut that giant leach off my back named gov't. fuk em ded


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