
Thursday, May 04, 2023

"We're getting tired of your shit, Carl"

Dramatic new video shows a straphanger taking matters into his own hands, pinning down an unhinged man in a deadly incident at a Manhattan subway station this week. 

 The 24-year-old passenger stepped in after the vagrant, identified by sources as Jordan Neely, 30, began going on an aggressive rant on a northbound F train Monday afternoon, according to police and a witness who took the video.


  1. Putting down a protected class NYC vagrant is disallowed, he'll be up on charges soon.

  2. Another NYPost story indicates that the clown who was being held down croaked and the ME ruled it a homicide. “Victim” was homeless black, restrainer was white former Marine. George Floyd all over again. Anyone living in NYC is fucking crazy. Hell, after Hochul’s natural gas ban, anyone living in New York is crazy.

    1. Yup. The "white former Marine" will go to trial about this time next year, and the festivities will commence, just like 2020, but it won't be Joe's fault.

  3. They're going to charge him with homicide.

  4. The excitement of going to NYC has changed since I was a kid.
    It used to be an example of what the biggest city could be.
    Big Apple, show your stuff and your citizens can get back to their obnoxious bragging about how NYC is the greatest.
    I want to hate the Yankees again.

  5. A "homicide" is just a death by other than natural causes caused by another person. A homicide can be justifiable or accidental.

    1. Exactly. Homicide means "not natural causes, not suicide"

  6. "The approximately three-minute-and-a-half-long video shot by Vazquez shows the blond subway rider lying on the floor of the train with his arm wrapped around the man’s neck."
    Christ. 15 minutes with nasty assed negro hair that close to his olfactory sensor.
    Me? I would have just snapped it's 9 lb neck bone in about 3 seconds and been done with it.

  7. Poor schmuck Marine... the Soros hired DA will crucify him.

  8. was put down by a "white former Marine...". Yeah, don't have to be a genius to see where the fuck this is going.
    Original Grandpa

    1. It's almost like they're trying to provoke a race riot with that language, huh?
      But we know the Left wouldn't do that, right? RIGHT?

  9. In boot camp, 1/70, a black rubber hose (two foot long) was used to demonstrate how to incapacitate another. You’d partner up and choke out one another under direction of our DI. In a couple of seconds one was unconscious and the DI would shout halt/stop. Then the partner would render you unconscious in the same manner. Next up would be how to use one’s bare hands to accomplish the job. Don’t know if it is still instructed with todays woke nonsense but Jarheads not only eat crayons, we do the unexpected when shit needs getting done.
    My Marine friend is a HS Principle in Anchorage. About a year ago a “Pacific Islander” non-student brought a gun to school and he quickly disarmed the kid, much to the surprise of the kid (instead of cowering/negotiating) by simply grabbing the handgun. Uuurr—Rrraahh! Bellows, 1st ANGLICO

  10. The dead man had an arrest record as long as your arm, including violent offenses, his rant threatened violence against the riders. He was mentally ill and off his meds.

    Who should be prosecuted. Those who failed to protect law abiding citizens from this violent psychopath. Those who allowed him to roam free and repeatly break the law and assault others without consequence.

    The mayor, police chief, and DA should be put in prison. The government failed and now the usual grifters, race hustlers, and whores are trying to incite racial violence for stopping a dangerous individual?

    When do we hold those who create these situations accountable?

    1. Exactly! The left thinks they are being so righteous
      and doing good for these kinds of "people" and yet it is the total opposite. If the cray dude had been sentenced, he could have received treatment or at least not been out causing mayhem which caused this situation.
      If the laws were being enforced, citizens would not have to take things into their own hands.

  11. I watched the video and it appeared to me that they were trying to help this seizure victim back to his feet.


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