
Monday, May 29, 2023

When you're one of the Chosen Few

After fatally shoving a man onto the Minneapolis Light Rail train tracks, the suspect has been released without charges. 

Last Saturday morning, a man was killed after being pushed onto the tracks in the path of an oncoming train.


  1. Someone needs to dump the perps beheaded body on the judges front doorstep.

  2. An other case of "keep democrat voters free".

  3. Somaliapolis now has more saints per square mile than any other FUSA city. Meet the newest:
    St. Dequan from the church of Our Lady of Perpetual Strife. Animals one and all.

  4. All he has to do is claim he heard the victim mutter the n word and he's off free.


  5. What's that saying, "Black has it's Privilege"?


  6. Looks like the Minneapolis folks still have some guilt angst over the St. George euthanasia.

  7. Anarcho-tyranny - we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny). Samuel Francis

    The term “anarcho-tyranny” was coined by the late Sam Francis to mean a condition in which the state tyrannically regulates the lives of the citizens but refuses to enforce fundamental protective law. When Francis was alive, gun control was often used as an example. The state harassed citizens over their ownership of firearms but did nothing to protect them from violent criminals.

  8. Is it open season on some not mentioned race? Of the victims?


  9. This victim is lucky: if he had not died he could be arrested for not voluntarily jumping and requiring one the democrats' favorite to actually DO something.

  10. Didn't watch the vid, but if the vic was a tizzun, then if I was ol' Daquan, I'd be worried about some of the vic's homies looking for some payback. Been known to happen.

  11. If it was one of mine, it WOULD happen.

  12. WestcoastDeplorableMay 29, 2023 at 8:21 PM

    Only goes to prove in Minn if you're black you can get away with murder. If I were the dead man's family the perp wouldn't be sucking air.

    1. Yep. When the law doesn't work, the people must. Long live modern vigilantes

  13. It's things like this that will be the reason for a resurgence in vigilantism. When those in power won't do their job somebody else usually steps up to do it...anonymously if that's it takes.

  14. It's time to enact "the star chamber" before it's too late. Make theses animals shit their pants in fear again.

  15. The establishment doesn't care about black on black crime.


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