
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A Failed State

We have got to start standing up to these radicals. The 2023 response to that statement is: “What have you done…bud?” Instead of the traditional response of recognizing that individually we have not done enough and redoubling our efforts toward that. Instead it all comes down to a personal attack.

When I go to the county clerk to find out why my property taxes are so high, I’m treated as if I’m disruptive and argumentative. This is because they’ve become accustomed to easily and comfortably taking everyone’s money. But I’m an American and I don’t think the government has a right to my money. The fact that I’m treated as an outlier only signifies to me that not enough of the other citizens of this county are willing to put up even the smallest resistance. I’m jealous of every dime they take, angry about every liberty they violate, on guard against every subsequent intrusion on my privacy or my property. This is a minimum of resistance against the corrupt system, but the fact that so many Americans willingly give these things away makes it harder to demand justice.


  1. We all get it,,,,, IF you’ve took your first step, that’s your bigness bro, sleep well at night. The lady’s at the clerks office are not our enemy, like they have the power to change shit. Your beefs with your County admin, The County Commissioners. Don’t know about you but I’m tired of watching county city state workers leaning on shovels every day.

    Here our taxes go up by law 3% yearly. On its face don’t sound too unreasonable. When you use dollars and cents x10 years that’s a 30% increase over a 50 year period that’s a 150% increase in your tax burden. Utter non sense.

    That’s fucking insane. Where I live the roads suck, the water tastes like shit, haven’t seen a police man in a year, “ my opinion, a good thing”. All that goodness for roughly 4500.00 a year.

    My in laws live in Deschutes County “ Bend OREGON” they pay dam near 18.000 a year! House values jumped into the millions. It’s a 200.000 home.


    1. "The lady’s at the clerks office are not our enemy,"
      Yes. Yes she is. She signed up to do the job. She signed up to make her living taking money from her neighbors. If these drones would not sign up to do the job, then the "leaders" could not have their whims enforced. We are in a war. In a war is the supply clerk or payroll clerk behind the lines not your enemy?

      As a nation we were better off when the government employees had a healthy fear of the citizens.

    2. Billy Mack is a detective down in Texas.
      You know he knows just exactly what the facts is.
      He ain't gonna let those two escape justice.
      >>>He makes his living off of other people's taxes.<<<
      Oooh, take the money and run. Hoo hoo hoo.

      Credit to Steve Miller. Emphasis mine.

    3. 10 yrs of 3% increases is not a 30% overall increase bc compound interest.

      10 yrs 34.4% increase
      20 yrs 80.6% increase


  2. The US is as close to a failed state as it has ever been. I no longer stand straight when the national anthem is played because of the Idiot in the White House, or the assholes in Congress. They spend our tax dollars as they wish.

  3. My advice: Don't buy any U.S. savings bonds and cash in the ones you have asap. Then take the money and put it under your mattress.

    1. Best convert it into something that will retain it's value first.

    2. Shit - 3 mo tbills paying 5%

      Fk the long end (never tie up cash long term anyway, stagger short term too)


  4. yup. the "school tax" is insane here. it seems like half of the high school class of 84 in on the payroll ! and guess what ? they all get the very best blue cross health plan they have too.
    last year there was some tax that had no name (??) 9.95 per head. never found out what it was for, you JUST had to pay it. the county has a dog tag/tax fee as well. 15 bucks per year. WHY ? have no idea what they do with the money. only my neighbor had to prove his
    dog was dead so they would stop hounding him over the 15 bucks (?)
    there is not much the county does for me that I am aware of. so, fuck them and their taxes
    there is a loop hole with school tax, you have to be 72 or older not to pay it.
    at least the state gives people over 65 a break, not much of one. but at least it is something. dave in pa.

  5. I fought the property tax assessment increase once, I filled out forms, I had to write a letter explaining why I thought my increase was unfair or incorrect. I didn't get a lawyer because quite frankly the retainer they wanted was much more than the tax increase.
    It was denied. Flat out denied. In other words, get a lawyer and we'll talk.
    The. Deck. Is. Stacked.

  6. Discussion interesting but until county commissioners bodies turn up in ditches on Sunday morning, those discussions are a waste of time

  7. Jack, do you hear me?June 20, 2023 at 8:49 PM

    When it comes down to it, the powers that be will steal everything you own and you’ll be happy for it. Just think you lowly surf, how the burden of ownership will no longer be a burden. Peace and contentment, yup. Of course you will be starving and destitute while the elite is thriving. But no matter, we aren’t doing anything about it anyway. Just wait, it’s coming soon.

  8. I protested my property tax increase (29% increase in one year) and you would have thought I committed heresy. I had all of my "comps" and a presentation on why my rate should not have been increased so much. The "politely" listened and played "let's make a deal" where they only hit me with a 15% increase. They acted like I was taking money out of their pocket. B@stards.

    1. One of the best things about getting to know all my neighbors is that we show up en masse for things like this. And they all invite friends. Last city council meeting, we had the room filled to capacity (200 people) with another 2-300 outside.

      All pissed off.

      Oddly enough, they decided not to rezone our neighborhood


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