
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

LinkedIn bets on skills over educational degrees in future

Microsoft-owned job-networking site LinkedIn is betting that the way employers hire candidates and the way candidates find jobs would radically change in the future. According to a report by the news agency Bloomberg on Friday (June 9), LinkedIn sees a future where employees will be willing to look beyond long-established entry requirements such as college degrees and prior job titles to focus instead on an applicant's proven skills such as leadership, data analytics etc.


  1. Given the current state of higher education, that's probably a valid argument, to a certain extent.

    But 4 years of swinging a hammer doesn't make you an engineer. There will always be a need for degreed people.

  2. I've been ignoring degrees for a long time now.
    You'd be surprised how many people show up with something like a "Cisco Certified Network Engineer" or "Windows Solutions Architect" piece of paper...who can't do a damn thing on a computer. Sure, they can dole out opinions and "recommend" very expensive solutions...but they can't accomplish shit.

    Meanwhile all the guys I've hired who get asked "Do you know Linux", "Yeah", "Do you have a cert or something?", "No, I've been playing with it at home and online for 5 years now" actually know how to solve problems...

    1. 35 years in IT and I've seen paper certs come and go. Certs are good for HR. Experience is what I hire for the raised floor.

    2. So much this. Those certs don't mean a damn thing beyond someone paid a lot of money to get them, but meaningful experience is immeasurably valuable.

  3. LinkedIn is looking for the equity hires. There are a lot of quality people with out degrees that know their shit. But that is not who LinkedIn is interested in.

  4. What they SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING all along. It was ONLY SEC, ISO, and other governmental agencies and authorities that FORCED the degree crap in the first place.

  5. Meet my brain surgeon. He is the one with battery powered drill and big hammer.


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