
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A permit from the city is needed to grow wildflowers?

GALVESTON, Texas - A wild fight is underway in Galveston over wildflowers in a resident’s yard. The couple who lives where the flowers are growing has been fined and there’s a threat of potential jail time.


  1. these clowns are out of their tiny minds. I have never understood why anyone would want to
    rule over others. but there seem like there are a lot of people who get off on the idea of telling others what to do all the time. the sad part is that most of them are insane or just worthless people really. I have turned down quite a few management jobs in the past myself. didn't want to deal with the bullshit. dave in pa.

    1. Which is exactly why I would never live on a parcel controlled by a homeowner's association.
      I've always felt that being the person who pays the property taxes gives one certain inalienable rights, like telling others that don't pay the taxes they can shove it up their asses sideways.

    2. I hate HOAs.

      I also hate having neighbors who have cars parked in their lawns, trash everywhere, and dogshit sweltering away in August.

  2. Yeah, this is a thing in Texas. These lazy motherfuckers throw out some wildflowers seeds and then don't cut their grass. Looks like shit and draws all kinds of critters. Just another reason I fled the great state of. It will be the first to fall when the shooting starts. More illegals than citizens and all of them fighting age, where all Texans are of bullshitting age. All hat and no cattle.

    1. Tennessee would drive you insane then. Here we don't worry about what other people do with their own property.

    2. So instead of being a bunch of retards playacting like they live in freaking England, these "lazy motherfuckers" act like they live in the "humid subtropical " zone they actually fucking live in? Lord preserve us! Good heavens! And how awful if they then decide that, instead of growing useless, idiotic, high-maintenance grass, they'll "lazily " grow crops and plants that people can actually eat?! The horror. The horror.

      In a just world, people who fussed about how "groomed" other people's property was, assuming the absence of extenuating circumstances like fire risk or homeless camps etc on the property, would be warned to mind their own business, then publicly paddled, then flogged, then, on the third or fourth offense, shot. Or exiled. Either way. I don't know what's going on in the article, but you "all hat and no cattle" Fudd anon, are a grade-A jackass.

    3. I'm happy your ass is gone. If you can't deal with weeds and some critters you need to live in some urban shithole.

  3. There's 2 things you need to know about Galveston - it has a (relatively) large population of, hmmm, joggers, and it relies a lot on tourist dollars. Those two things don't often mix well. In-between large fancy hotels, million dollar beach houses, and all sorts of restaurants and other attractions are sandwiched various lower income neighborhoods in various rundown states. I can see where the city would want to take steps to keep the area in decent condition so tourist don't get scared away. Mowing yards is relatively minor. Over the years we've seen various stories of residents trying to gentrify some of the neighborhoods but eventually gave up due to street walkers, pimps, druggies and other assorted trash actively plying their trade in people's front yards. One young yuppie mother complained about having to pick up used condoms before letting her kids play in the yard. So yeah, if you go down there on vacation, be sure to stay in the tourist areas and don't venture too far after dark.

  4. Likewise here in Maine.

  5. I've been fortunate to have usually bought acerage and built or the house was already built some where near the middle. I don't like even seeing the roof of my neighbors home. I always fence and post my land.

  6. Apparently the ghost of Lady Bird Johnson doesn't stray far from the Texas hill country.

  7. I have a certified Monarch Waystation wildflower garden at my home. We've started wildflower gardens at 3 local schools & a couple of parks. The only people who bitch about it are anonymous assholes that don't really matter, they just like to bitch.

  8. 'Cause I'm the taxman
    Yeah, I'm the taxman


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