
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Good Morning



  1. he looks happy. had a roadie that loved snow. couldn't get enough of playing in it. he would stay out in it until he was shaking and then we drag his ass in and he flop in front of the woodstove until he was steaming. then want to go back out again in it. after he warmed up.
    still miss that big silly dog. dave in pa.

  2. Somebody has been in the water. We are finally getting rain and the creek is running high. My Maggie Mae spends many hours in that creek. Then like this pup she will be exhausted. She had a stuffed monkey as a pup but stopped carrying it around. Cool picture.

  3. Is that a fire pit flame or did someone just lite the dog's fart?

  4. Woof! Pant! (Translation: Life is good.)

  5. I went camping this last weekend, sitting around a fire was really nice! Those umbrella chairs are hard (for me) to get out of these days...but it was still really nice to be sitting around the campfire.

  6. If he's anything like my Lab, he just thieved someone's warm seat.



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