
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

ORLANDO, Fla. - An Orlando Police officer is facing charges after being pulled over by a Seminole County sheriff's deputy. 

The deputy said he pulled the officer over for speeding, but the Orlando officer didn't stick around after a brief exchange. The whole thing was recorded on the Seminole County sheriff's deputy's body camera.


  1. This is why the population has a problem with cops. As witnessed in the exchange, the speeding cop is absolutely astounded he was pulled over for anything, let alone speeding while on his way to work.
    On his way... e.g. NOT PUNCHED IN YET. He was off the clock. But he gets to speed. Laws are for little people!!!

  2. It sure seems like A LOT of cops think they are all that these days. Case in point - cop who has a total cake job directing traffic at a school near me, has a real attitude like "I AM IN CHARGE AND I MUST TELL YOU WHERE TO GO". I sometimes ride with a friend to pick up her kids from their school. This guy is all in everyones face even though the parents that he "must" direct know exactly where to go for the pickup line, as they've generally been doing that for a couple of years at least. But this one guy is all about "I'M IN CHARGE AND YOU NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT".

    Bully with a badge and a gun, probably. Perhaps this is why he has this cake assignment at the school, where he is less likely (one hopes) to shoot someone for a minor offense.

  3. My best friend was an OPD cop for 25 years. I met a lot of good cops through him over the years. But, it only takes one asshole to ruin it for everybody.

    1. I disagree. It only takes all those 'good cops' to not do anything about the 'one asshole' to ruin it for everybody

    2. Exactly. If the "good ones" don't arrest the "bad ones", than they are "bad ones" too.

  4. On his way to work in his company car? That tells me OPD has way too much money invested in in police force. Speeding with no lights or siren is just dangerous and the cop needs to be fired and disbarred from all future law enforcement jobs even including working for HLS or TSA.

  5. My family used to own a vacation property in a neighboring state near the sea coast. A major state roadway runs through the town about 1/3 of a mile away. During the tourist season, i.e. Memorial Day to Labor Day, the chief of police in the town, who lived in the next town south, would drive his cruiser from the town line to the Police station along that roadway with lights and siren roaring EVERY MORNING at 6:00AM. This went on for YEARS until he eventually was fired when a newly elected mayor caught him out at it.

    There's ahole cops everywhere, in every department, even if it's department of one. That's why someone coined the phrase years ago that "99.99999% of cops give the rest a bad reputation".


  6. Don't worry about the Orlando cop, he will be granted "professional courtesy" (that's the term cops use when they let each other get away with crimes) and this will all go away.

    Does anyone recall when the VA state police pulled over that convoy for NJ cops doing over 100 mph on I-95? Coming back from assisting with Hurricane Katrina. They were all charged with reckless driving, a mandatory court appearance in VA with the potential for jail time, and their commissioner called VA and bitched about not being granted their due "professional courtesy". Yup, I didn't think anyone would remember, because the whole thing got buried and no one went to court or jail. A regular citizen would have lost their license and gone to jail, but not a cop...

  7. Fuck the police. Lying raping pigs.

  8. Welcome to Orlando. Speed limits are optional. This shouldn't be an article except for pulling someone over for speeding. That's the rarity! I like it that way. I made Tampa in 55 minutes the other day. I like how they ticket trucks for driving in the left lane! Makes it even nicer to drive.


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