
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Snowflake teacher fired over viral TikTok video

AUSTIN, Texas - This past school year was Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy's first year teaching third grade at Austin's Becker Elementary School. 

Being a first-year teacher, she faced many challenges. So, when the principal called her in for a meeting this March, she thought they were going to discuss ways they could help her in the classroom.


  1. Your employer is not your mom. They set the standards and if they're not

  2. I don't know why anyone would be surprised that she was fired. As an HR guy I can tell you one of the basic rules is

    "Thou shall not speak ill of your employer publicly."

    This storm over her Tic Toc video is a classic example of why it's not allowable.

    1. Every company (both of them) I've ever worked for had a policy about embarrassing the company. Here on this blog, I made it a point to never even mentioned the name of the company I worked for until the day I retired.

    2. So the post you did with the picture of the big Safeway sign was a post you did about your retirement from the company, and you had never mentioned them until then? I didn't realize that.

    3. Yup, that was the very first time I referred to them by name.

    4. "Thou shalt not speak of your employer publicly." I worked for a company where there was a Biblical-level screw-up. The guilty donkeys decide to post their accomplishment on their FB pages BEFORE calling in what they did. Their pictures showed everyone smiling and laughing about it, not realizing these were the pics that would get them all fired.
      The pics have been almost completely scrubbed from the 'net.

    5. Like you, Wirecutter, with one exception I have never mentioned the companies I worked for, even after I left. Some of that was I didn't believe in burning bridges. The only one I ever mentioned by name was one I and all my fellow employees were laid off from because it closed its doors due to rank incompetence of the founder's successor, in this case on of his kids.

      I still refer to one of my employers as "A Big Defense Contractor" and another as "No Such Agency". My present employer is "Those Guys Who Do Stuff With Optical Fiber".

      And so it shall remain. I don't want to burn bridges I don't need to burn.

  3. She is claiming it was because she was "teaching them about their civil and Constitutional rights," and if that were the case, and she was teaching them and allowing them to decide for themselves, I would support her. That isn't what she was doing, however.
    What she was doing was LEADING the protests and having them sit for the Pledge of Allegiance. That isn't teaching them about THEIR rights, but attempting to force them into supporting HER feelings on the Pledge.
    Not the same thing.
    Then doubling down by posting negative comments about her employer on social media. There is a reason why those of us who have blogs and employers are careful to keep the two separate.

    1. Not sure what US law is like but in Canada we used to have ethics rules for teachers. Saying negative things publicly about the school was a dismissable offense. Now they dont even teach ethics to future teachers in the universities.


  4. Her defense is that she is helping set policy at the state Capitol. A FIRST year teacher.

    If true, it is no wonder we are screwed.

    1. "I'm the smartest person in every room I've ever been in" say many people with ZERO actual life experience.
      Barack Obama comes to mind.

    2. I just realized, "I'm the smartest person in every room I've ever been in" could also apply to Gavin Newsom, whose only actual life experience is sleeping with his best friends wife.

    3. In my experience, anyone who says says or acts like they are the smartest person in the room isn't, ever.

  5. How times change! I remember, in my bar-hopping days (1970s-80s), meeting beautiful school teachers in the nightclubs that were from several counties away. Seems there was a morals clause in their contracts that forbade them from 'carousing' (as the School Board defined it) so they had to be careful not to be recognized.

  6. Typical snowflake--How dare they criticize me!!!!!

    1. But, like, you know, like, I, um, uh, they like shouldn't have, you know, like fired me!

  7. The Social Media torpedo sinks The SS Asshole.......Schadenfreude ensues.

  8. So she was “teaching the students about their legal and Constitutional rights”, huh? Interesting.

    I wonder what this teacher thinks about our legal and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? I’m gonna go out on a limb and hypothesize that she doesn’t approve of THAT legal and Constitutional right at all….why do you suppose that is? Why is that? Why does she oppose that? Why? Why? Why? Why is that?… (in her annoying, repetitive, snide voice)

    1. BFYTW in my annoying pedantic voice...

    2. Third grade for me was a long, long time ago, but I don't recall "legal and Constitutional rights" as being very important. The "3 R's" pretty much took up most of my time. I don't think most third grade kids these days are very concerned (or need to be concerned) with those subjects, either. I do think a first year third grade teacher would serve her pupils (and her career) much better by teaching them third grade level stuff.

  9. houston and austin (dallas., san antonio, el paso) are all dimocrat controlled shitholes and are no different from any other dimocrat controlled shithole. we don't claim them

  10. for fuck's sake, what a filthy creature she is....heading to watch a vietnam video to get back to reality


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